Felinks, NilsRinschede, TimoBiermann, DirkStangier, DominicTillmann, WolfgangFuß, MoritzAbrahams, Hendrik2022-06-082022-06-082021-09-13http://hdl.handle.net/2003/4094310.17877/DE290R-22793Deep hole drilling processes for high-alloyed materials are characterised by worn guide pads and chatter vibrations. In order to increase feed rates, process stability and bore quality in STS deep hole drilling, various investigations were carried out with adjustments to the tool. First, a new process chain for the production of tribologically optimised guide pads and their effects on the guide pad shape is described in detail. The results of these studies show that the shape change in the area of the axial run-in chamfer through a micro finishing process leads to a better bore hole quality. Furthermore, the influence of guide pad coating and cooling lubricant on the deep hole drilling process was investigated. In addition, the machining of the austenitic steel AISI 304 is analysed by using a conventional steel boring bar and an innovative carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP)-boring bar. While the conventional drill tube oscillates with different eigenfrequencies, the CFRP-boring bar damps chatter vibrations of the drill head and stabilises the process. Even at higher feed rates up to f = 0.3 mm, it is possible to machine austenitic, difficult-to-cut-materials with significantly reduced vibrations.enThe international journal of advanced manufacturing technology;Bd 118. 2022, H. 3/4, S.1087-1100http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/STS deep hole drillingGuide padsCutting tool coatingCFRP-boring barChatter vibrationsAISI 304620670Investigation into deep hole drilling of austenitic steel with advanced tool solutionsarticle (journal)Spanende BearbeitungBTA-TiefbohrenSpanwerkzeugBeschichtungKohlenstofffaserverstärkter KunststoffBohrgestängeRatterschwingungEdelstahl