Nikolov, AlexanderBrümmer, Andreas2020-01-072020-01-072017-06-28 expanders offer excellent prospects for energy conversion in lower and medium power ranges, for instance as expansion engines in Rankine cycles with regard to either waste or geothermal heat recovery. With the aim of identifying the potential in organic Rankine cycle (ORC) power systems, an oil-flooded twin-screw expander without timing gears was designed and experimentally investigated in an ORC with R245fa as working fluid. Here, the scope for the experimental determination of the expander characteristic map was limited by the test rig specifications. Based on the experimental results, a multi-chamber model of the test twin-screw expander was calibrated and theoretical approaches according to mechanical and hydraulic loss calculation were applied. Consequently, the expander’s complete characteristic map could be calculated. Furthermore, relevant mechanisms influencing the operational behaviour of oil-flooded twin-screw expanders were identified and analysed in-depthenEnergies;2017, 10(7), 869 oil-flooded twin-screw expanderLow-grade waste-heat recoveryOrganic Rankine cycle power systemR245faInvestigating a small oil-flooded twin-screw expander for waste-heat utilisation in ORC systemsarticle (journal)