Bach, F.-W.Beerwald, C.Brosius, A.Gershteyn, G.Hermes, M.Kleiner, M.Olivier, H.Weber, M.2010-04-082010-04-082006 present paper deals with the expansion of tubes by direct application of gas detonation waves, i.e. the gas is both pressure medium and energy source. After an introduction to gas detonation forming, measurements of the motion process and the internal pressures are presented. Results of free expansion and of forming into a die are thoroughly studied and compared to the results of quasi-static burst tests and hydroforming. Using pure aluminum Al99.5 and a medium strength alloy AlMgSi1, expansions by 25 % and 20 % respectively are obtained. A simulation delivers details on the deformation process and specially prepared probes of high-speed tension tests give new insight into metallographic material behavior at different strain rates.enInstitut für Umformtechnik - Technische Universität Dortmundformingshock wavetube620670Process Investigation of Tube Expansion by Gas Detonationconference contribution