Pullen, SonjaClever, Guido H.2019-03-292019-03-292018-10-31http://hdl.handle.net/2003/3796910.17877/DE290R-19954Porous nanostructures and materials based on metal-mediated self-assembly have developed into a vibrantly studied subdiscipline of supramolecular chemistry during the past decades. In principle, two branches of such coordination compounds can be distinguished: Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) on the one side represent infinite porous networks of metals or metal clusters that are connected via organic ligands to give solid-state materials. On the other hand, metal–organic cages (MOCs) are discrete and soluble systems with only a limited number of pores. Formation of a particular structure type is achieved by carefully balancing the donor site angles within the ligands as well as the nature and coordination geometry of the metal component. Years of research on MOFs and MOCs has yielded numerous types of well-defined porous crystals and complex supramolecular architectures. Since various synthetic routes and postsynthetic modification methods have been established, the focus of recent developments has moved toward the preparation of multifunctional systems that are able to mimic the structural and functional complexity of natural enzymes.enhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Supramolecular chemistryMOFsMOCsMultifunctionalityCoordination cagesMetal-mediated self assembly540Mixed-ligand metal-organic frameworks and heteroleptic coordination cages as multifunctional scaffolds - a comparisonarticle (journal)