Delp, AlexanderBecker, AlexanderHülsbusch, DanielScholz, RonjaMüller, MarcGlasmacher, BirgitWalther, Frank2021-10-152021-10-152021-06-24 responses to the mechanical load of polymers used in tissue engineering is notably important for qualification at in vivo testing, although insufficiently studied, especially regarding promising polycaprolactone (PCL). For further investigations, electrospun PCL scaffolds with different degrees of fiber alignment were produced, using two discrete relative drum collector velocities. Development and preparation of an adjusted sample geometry enabled in situ tensile testing in scanning electron microscopy. By analyzing the microstructure and the use of selected tracking techniques, it was possible to visualize and quantify fiber/fiber area displacements as well as local fractures of single PCL fibers, considering quasi-static tensile load and fiber alignment. The possibility of displacement determination using in situ scanning electron microscopy techniques for testing fibrous PCL scaffolds was introduced and quantified.enPolymers;Vol. 13. 2021, Issue 13, p2090-2090 situ tensile testingScanning electron microscopyMicrostructureDamage mechanismsTissue engineeringElectrospinningFiber orientationPolycaprolactone660In situ characterization of polycaprolactone fiber response to quasi-static tensile loading in scanning electron microscopyarticle (journal)ZugversuchRasterelektronenmikroskopieMikrostrukturTissue EngineeringElektrospinnenFaserorientierungPolycaprolactone