Frede, Timothy A.Vom Hofe, NilsReuß, Rafael JasperKemmerling, NiklasKock, TobiasHerbstritt, FrankKockmann, Norbert2024-07-052024-07-052023-01-27 manufacturing and development of flow processes depend significantly on an optimized and adapted determination of thermokinetic data of chemical reactions. Reaction calorimetry represents a prominent technique to quantify the heat release of exothermic reactions. This work presents a continuous flow calorimetric measurement system based on a commercially available hastelloy C-22 microreactor. A sensor array of Peltier elements is added to the existing microreactor setup to enable the additional functionality of flow calorimetry. The calorimeter and its additional equipment are connected to open-source soft- and hardware for data acquisition and processing as well as automated reaction screening. The reaction calorimeter can be operated in both isoperibolic and isothermal operation mode. The calorimeter's performance is investigated on the basis of model reactions, where good agreement with literature was obtained for determined reaction enthalpies.enReaction chemistry & engineering;8(5) and characterization of a flow reaction calorimeter based on FlowPlate® Lab and Peltier elementsArticle