Sonstige Veröffentlichungen (IfADo) : [17]

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 17 of 17
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016-11-10Prostate specific antigen (PSA) as predicting marker for clinical outcome and evaluation of early toxicity rate after high-dose rate brachytherapy (HDR-BT) in combination with additional external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) for high risk prostate cancerEcke, Thorsten H.; Huang-Tiel, Hui-Juan; Golka, Klaus; Selinski, Silvia; Geis, Berit Christine; Koswig, Stephan; Bathe, Katrin; Hallmann, Steffen; Gerullis, Holger
2017The influence of mental representations on eye movement patterns under uncertaintyRinkenauer, Gerhard; Renker, Johanna; Krems, Josef
2016NK cell regulationWatzl, Carsten; Fasbender, Frank Oliver; Hengstler, Jan Georg
2017WNT1-inducible signaling pathway protein-1 (WISP1), a novel critical protein in hepatotoxic liver injuryHengstler, Jan G.; Pütter, Larissa; Wehner, Frank
2017The regulation of NK cell detachment from target cells as a key factor for serial killing and effector functionWatzl, Carsten; Anft, Moritz; Hengstler, Jan Georg
2016Involvement of the WNT pathway in endometriosisHengstler, Jan Georg; Hundt, Juliane; Wehner, Frank
2016Biological monitoring and exposure assessment for mycotoxins in inhabitants of Bangladesh and GermanyHengstler, Jan Georg; Ali, Nurshad; Spiteller, Michael
2016Transcriptomics-based prediction of human hepatotoxic blood concentrations of chemicalsHengstler, Jan Georg; Stöber, Regina; Wehner, Frank
2015The functional role of the endothelial lipase LIPG in breast cancerHengstler, Jan Georg; Vosbeck, Sonja; Wehner, Frank
2015Glycerin-3-Phosphat-Acyltransferase-1 (GPAM) als Schlüsselfaktor der TumorzellmigrationHengstler, Jan Georg; Büttner, Clara Bettina; Wehner, Frank
2014-05-15Funktionale Charakterisierung der Glycerophosphodiesterase EDI3 sowie Untersuchung ihrer Metastasen-fördernden Eigenschaften in humanen TumorzelllinienHengstler, Jan Georg; Lesjak, Michaela Silvia; Wehner, Frank
2014-05-13Stress in the liver: stereotypic genomic responses in vitro and in vivo involve inflammation and loss of metabolic functionsHengstler, Jan Georg; Widera, Agata; Wehner, Frank
2013-10-02Untersuchungen zur metabolischen Aktivierung ausgewählter Proteratogene in zellulären Leber-in vitro-Systemen der RatteHengstler, Jan Georg; Bergner, Anne; Nüssler, Andreas K.
2013-03-20Kognitive Altersunterschiede und der Einfluss von Training: eine elektrophysiologische StudieFalkenstein, Michael; Wipking, Claudia; Gelzmann, Stephan
2010-06-15Bewegungssteuerung bei abrupten Veränderungen dynamischer TransformationenHeuer, Herbert; Rapp, Katrin; Kunde, Wilfried
2007-08-20T09:47:13ZEntwicklung und Optimierung von analytischen Methoden zur Bestimmung der Toxikokinetik von Xeno- und Phytoöstrogenen und Einsatz im biologischen MonitoringBolt, Hermann M.; Moors, Stefan; Lippert, Bernhard
2005-11-22T14:04:13ZAnalysis and genotoxicity of the isoflavones genistein, daidzein and equol, and risk assessment for consumption in human dietBolt, H. M.; Di Virgilio, Ana Laura; Lippert, B.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 17 of 17