Lehrstuhl I: Analysis : [9]

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-07-30Non-uniformly parabolic equations and applications to the random conductance modelBella, Peter; Schäffner, Mathias
2018Analyse von Wellenpaketen in der periodischen nichtlinearen Schrödingergleichung durch Approximation mittels Coupled Mode GleichungenDohnal, Tomas; Wahlers, Lisa; Schweizer, Ben
2016-03Traveling wave solutions of reaction-diffusion equations with x-dependent combustion type nonlinearitiesSchweizer, Ben; Badke, Sven; Röger, Matthias
2014Uniqueness and regularity for porous media equations with x-dependent coefficientsSchweizer, Ben; Koch, Jan-Christopher; Röger, Matthias
2012-08-07A worst-case optimization approach to impulse perturbed stochastic control with application to financial risk managementGuiaş, Flavius; Mönnig, Laurenz; Schweizer, Ben
2011-09-12Waves in heterogeneous media: long time behavior and dispersive modelsSchweizer, Ben; Lamacz, Agnes; Röger, Matthias
2007-08-27T09:48:25ZOn the local well-posedness of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili II equationKoch, Herbert; Hadac, Martin; Saut, Jean-Claude
2006-08-28T12:14:46ZWell-posedness results for dispersive equations with derivative nonlinearitiesKoch, Herbert; Herr, Sebastian; Kenig, Carlos E.
2005-09-27T09:31:45ZEine analytische Methode zur Punktereduktion und FlächenrekonstruktionKoch, Herbert; Guias, Adina Aurelia; Stöckler, Joachim
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 9 of 9