Authors: Eidi, Akram
Haeri-Rohani, Ali
Khakpai, Fatemeh
Nasehi, Mohammad
Zarrindast, Mohammad Reza
Title: The role of glutamatergic pathway between septum and hippocampus in the memory formation
Language (ISO): en
Abstract: The N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor is a subtype of glutamate receptor that is presented in highest density in the hippocampus and septum. NMDA receptors of the septum and the hippocampus are involved in cognitive performance, especially in learning and memory processes. The septum nucleus and hippocampal formation are two regions of the limbic system. The septum and the hippocampus are anatomically and functionally connected to each other. These areas made the septo-hippocampal and hippocampo-septal pathways, which are implicated in the cognitive processes. The activity of septal and hippocampal neurons is modulated by several neurotransmitters such as glutamate. Thus, changes in the glutamatergic transmission in the septum and hippocampus may influence learning and memory processes in these pathways.
Subject Headings: hippocampo-septal
Issue Date: 2013-05-22
Appears in Collections:Review Articles

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