Authors: Finelli, Carmine
Martelli, Giuseppe
Rossano, Rocco
Padula, Maria Carmela
La Sala, Nicolina
Sommella, Luigi
Tarantino, Giovanni
Title: Nesfatin-1
Other Titles: role as possible new anti-obesity treatment
Language (ISO): en
Abstract: In this article, we review on the current concepts about Nesfatin-1 as a new anti-obesity treatment and evaluate the existing issues in the context of this knowledge and the available literature. The intent is to enable clinicians to know Nesfatin-1 as a new anti-obesity treatment and make rational decisions based on this perspective as possible clinical application. Future research should seek to clarify whether Nesfatin-1 would be beneficial in the management of obesity.
Subject Headings: nesfatin-1
drug treatment
Issue Date: 2014-05-26
Appears in Collections:Review Articles

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