Authors: Uygun, Yilmaz
Title: Systematic support for continuous optimization of lean-based manufacturing systems
Language (ISO): en
Abstract: Due to the organizational complexity that goes along with the introduction and application of a lean production system, companies cannot lift the full potential of lean production. Problems, such as specific company conditions, lack of expertise in the implementation and continuous development as well as financial and personnel constraints inhibit the introduction and in particular the use and sustainable development of methods of lean production. As part of the continuous improvement process the constant questioning of existing structures is of particular importance. However, companies are missing tools that support automatically the development of lean production systems so that their full potential can be exploited. Against the background of the described problem, the author developed a tool in the form of an optimization system for lean production systems and validated it in an automotive supplier, which allows a comprehensive analysis of the current state of the application of lean methods and the proposal of relevant suggestions taking into consideration the diverse interrelations in the network of interdependent lean methods. An extensive record of existing basic and method parameters paired with a comprehensive assignment of optimization measures allows a consistent display of improvement proposals which can be applied within the continuous improvement process. The target group of this system is goods manufacturing industry.
Subject Headings: lean production
continuous improvement process
Issue Date: 2017-10-23
Appears in Collections:Produktionsmanagement

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