Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften : [10]

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Bioökonomie-Start-up Puls 2024Strese, Steffen; Flatten, Tessa; Kindermann, Bastian; Lentzen, Lena; Hame, Daniel
2023Bioökonomie-Start-up Puls 2023Strese, Steffen; Flatten, Teresa; Kindermann, Bastian; Lentzen, Lena; Hame, Daniel
2023-09-29The importance of an ethical framework for trust calibration in AISchmid, Amelie; Wiesche, Manuel
2024International trade in the European UnionHellmanzik, Christiane; Kaliske, Maren; Wrona, Jens
2023Essays on platform work: freelancers on digital labor platformsWiesche, Manuel; Gussek, Lisa; Strese, Steffen
2022-09-23Digital gravity? Firm birth and relocation patterns of young digital firms in GermanyHellwig, Vanessa
2022-12-19User-centered requirements for augmented reality as a cognitive assistant for safety-critical servicesBräker, Julia; Osterbrink, Anna; Semmann, Martin; Wiesche, Manuel
2022Shared leadership and trust: A two study investigation of the relationship, antecedents and boundary conditions on several levels of an organizationRowold, Jens; Marschalkowski, Maximilian M.; Hoffjan, Andreas
2021-08-11Education: optimal choice and efficient policyRichter, Wolfram F.; Schneider, Kerstin
2021-07-21Understanding the effect of market orientation on circular economy practices: the mediating role of closed-loop orientation in German SMEsSchmidt, Corinna Vera Hedwig; Kindermann, Bastian; Behlau, Cassian Felix; Flatten, Tessa Christina
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10