Lehrstuhl Mathematische Statistik und biometrische Anwendungen : [29]

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 29
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Compressing data for generalized linear regressionMunteanu, Alexander; Omlor, Simon; Ickstadt, Katja
2022Spatial and spatio-temporal regression modelling with conditional autoregressive random effects for epidemiological and spatially referenced dataIckstadt, Katja; Djeudeu-Deudjui, Dany-Armand; Doebler, Philipp
2021River-mediated dynamic environmental factors and perinatal data analysisIckstadt, Katja; Rathjens, Jonathan; Groll, Andreas
2020-12-04Spatial and temporal analyses of perfluorooctanoic acid in drinking water for external exposure assessment in the Ruhr metropolitan area, GermanyRathjens, Jonathan; Becker, Eva; Kolbe, Arthur; Ickstadt, Katja; Hölzer, Jürgen
2020-06-12Streaming statistical models via Merge & ReduceGeppert, Leo N.; Ickstadt, Katja; Munteanu, Alexander; Sohler, Christian
2018Statistical modeling of protein-protein interaction networksIckstadt, Katja; Fermin Ruiz, Yessica Yulieth; Rahnenführer, Jörg
2019Subgroup analyses and investigations of treatment effect heterogeneity in clinical dose-finding trialsIckstadt, Katja; Thomas, Marius; Rahnenführer, Jörg
2018Bayesian and frequentist regression approaches for very large data setsIckstadt, Katja; Geppert, Leo Nikolaus; Groll, Andreas
2016Statistische Analyse und Modellierung von Clusterphänomenen bei Signalproteinen in der PlasmamembranIckstadt, Katja; Siebert, Sabrina; Rahnenführer, Jörg
2016Bayesian prediction for stochastic process models in reliabilityMüller, Christine; Hermann, Simone; Ickstadt, Katja
2016Unimodal spline regression and its use in various applications with single or multiple modesIckstadt, Katja; Köllmann, Claudia; Fried, Roland
2015Entmischung und Inferenz biomolekularer NetzwerkeIckstadt, Katja; Wieczorek, Jakob Jan; Rahnenführer, Jörg
2015Finite Bayesian mixture models with applications in spatial cluster analysis and bioinformaticsIckstadt, Katja; Schäfer, Martin; Rahnenführer, Jörg
2014Integrativer Ansatz zur Identifizierung neuer, prognostisch relevanter Metagene mittels ClusteranalyseIckstadt, Katja; Freis, Evgenia; Rahnenführer, Jörg
2014-10-06Enrichment design and sensitivity preferred classificationIckstadt, Katja; Agueusop, Inoncent; Rahnenführer, Jörg; Vonk, Richardus
2013-07-22Adaption und Vergleich evolutionärer mehrkriterieller Algorithmen mit Hilfe von VariablenwichtigkeitsmaßenKatja, Ickstadt; Casjens, Swaantje Wiarda; Ligges, Uwe
2012-10-05Discovering genetic interactions based on natural genetic variationIckstadt, Katja; Ackermann, Marit; Rahnenführer, Jörg
2012-08-01Einfluss von Dialysemodalitäten auf die MortalitätIckstädt, Katja; Schaller, Mathias; Rahnenführer, Jörg
2010-08-09Assessment of time-varying long-term effects of therapies and prognostic factorsIckstadt, Katja; Buchholz, Anika; Hauschke, Dieter; Schumacher, Martin
2010-07-02Bayesian mixtures for cluster analysis and flexible modeling of distributionsIckstadt, Katja; Fritsch, Arno; Weihs, Claus
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 29