Eldorado - Repository of the TU Dortmund
Resources for and from Research, Teaching and Studying
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Exemplification and stigmatization: how news stories affect stigma-related attitudes, emotional reactions, and behavioral intentions towards students with a disability
(2024-09-20) Hastall, Matthias R.; Röhm, Alexander; Kotarski, Claudia; Meißner, Sina; Ritterfeld, Ute
Students with intellectual or physical disabilities still face public and institutional stigmatization. The current study examines how different news portrayals of college students with a disability affect readers' stigma-related attitudes and behavioral intentions. A 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 full-factorial experiment was conducted, in which N = 767 respondents were presented a news article about a student with a disability. The article was manipulated regarding exemplar's type of disability, gender, socioeconomic status, and sexual orientation. All four tested exemplar characteristics and respondents' gender affected several dimensions of stigmatization, albeit often as interaction effects. Overall, findings indicate that story-unrelated characteristics of portrayed individuals affect readers' generalized stigma-relevant attitudes, emotional reactions, and behavioral intentions. Results are discussed regarding the likelihood for accidental stigmatization through journalistic exemplar choices, and regarding implications for a stigma-sensitive health communication and anti-stigma communication practice.
Load‐deformation behavior of injection bolts for maintenance of steel structures under dynamic loads
(2023-09-12) Ungermann, Dieter; Kröger, Lisa
Connections of steel-structures under dynamic loads need to be slip-resistant according to EN 1993-2. Bolted connections without slip can be realized with fitted bolts, preloaded high strength friction grip (HSFG) bolts or injection bolts. Injection bolts are particularly advantageous because the increased effort required for reaming the holes for fitted bolts or for special surface preparation for HSFG bolts can be avoided. The paper focuses on the experimental analysis of connections with non-preloaded and preloaded injection bolts according to EN 1090-2. Different resins and curing conditions are considered, as well as different surface treatments or friction coefficients. Thus, the interaction between the slip resistance and the bearing resistance of preloaded injection bolts is investigated more detailed.
Hausaufgaben in Mathematik: Fachlich-fachdidaktisches Wissen von Eltern, ihre Erwartungen und Wünsche an die Schule
(Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik, 2024) Lerch, Guido; Brunner, Esther
Auch auf der Sekundarstufe I bitten Lernende ihre Eltern bei den Hausaufgaben um Unterstützung. Eltern gelten daher als wichtiges Stützsystem für das schulische Lernen ihrer Kinder. Deshalb rücken auch elterliche Kompetenzen in den Fokus. Über das fachlich-fachdidaktisches Wissen von Eltern ist derzeit aber kaum etwas bekannt. Mit diesem Thema befasst sich das vorliegende Dissertationsprojekt. Ein erster Schritt ist die Entwicklung eines Vignetten-Instruments zur Erfassung von fachlich-fachdidaktischen elterlichen Kompetenzen, das im Rahmen einer Befragung von Eltern zum Einsatz kommen soll.
Engineering soluble diketopyrrolopyrrole chromophore stacks from a series of Pd(II)‐based ravels
(2023-07-17) Regeni, Irene; Chowdhury, Rituparno; Terlinden, Kai; Horiuchi, Shinnosuke; Holstein, Julian J.; Feldmann, Sascha; Clever, Guido H.
A strategy to engineer the stacking of diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) dyes based on non-statistical metallosupramolecular self-assembly is introduced. For this, the DPP backbone is equipped with nitrogen-based donors that allow for different discrete assemblies to be formed upon the addition of Pd(II), distinguished by the number of π-stacked chromophores. A Pd3L6 three-ring, a heteroleptic Pd2L2L′2 ravel composed of two crossing DPPs (flanked by two carbazoles), and two unprecedented self-penetrated motifs (a Pd2L3 triple and a Pd2L4 quadruple stack), were obtained and systematically investigated. With increasing counts of stacked chromophores, UV/Vis absorptions red-shift and emission intensities decrease, except for compound Pd2L2L′2, which stands out with an exceptional photoluminescence quantum yield of 51 %. This is extraordinary for open-shell metal containing assemblies and explainable by an intra-assembly FRET process. The modular design and synthesis of soluble multi-chromophore building blocks offers the potential for the preparation of nanodevices and materials with applications in sensing, photo-redox catalysis and optics.
Somatosensorisches Erfassen von Proportionen (Brüchen) bei sehenden und blinden Kindern
(Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik, 2024) Leuders, Juliane; Leuders, Timo; Leukel, Christian
Menschen können mit Verhältnissen von kontinuierlichen Größen (Propor-tionen) umgehen. Wir untersuchen, ob sehende Kinder und sehbehinderte Kinder Proportionen über somatosensorisches Feedback unterscheiden können. Die Kinder bildeten eine Proportion, indem sie ein Geradenpaar mit dem Finger nachzeichneten, und verglichen diese Proportion mit einer zweiten Proportion. Die Genauigkeit beim Erkennen glei-cher/unterschiedlicher Proportionen lag bei sehenden Kindern mit 68 % signifikant niedriger als bei sehbehinderten Kindern. Erstere zeigten eine größere Variabilität der Nachzeichengeschwindigkeit.