Stolze, Joachim Prof. Dr. : [46]

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 46
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008-06-04Quantum integrability and non-integrability in the spin-boson modelStolze, Joachim; Stepanov, Vyacheslav V.; Müller, Gerhard
2008-05-02Dynamic properties of the spin-1/2 XX chain with three-spin interactionsStolze, Joachim; Verkholyak, Taras; Derzhko, Oleg; Krokhmalskii, Taras
2008Spin-1/2 XX Chains with Three-Spin InteractionsStolze, Joachim; Verkholyak, Taras; Derzhko, Oleg; Krokhmalskii, Taras
2008Dynamic correlations in a random spin-1/2 XY chainStolze, Joachim; Verkholyak, Taras; Derzhko, Oleg; Krokhmalskii, Taras
2007Spin- and entanglement-dynamics in the central-spin model with homogeneous couplingsStolze, Joachim; Bortz, Michael
2007-07-26Exact dynamics in the inhomogeneous central-spin modelStolze, Joachim; Bortz, Michael
2007-10-15Dynamic properties of quantum spin chainsStolze, Joachim; Verkholyak, Taras; Derzhko, Oleg; Krokhmalskii, Taras
2006-02-17Dynamics of quantum spin chains and multi-fermion excitation continuaStolze, Joachim; Derzhko, Oleg; Krokhmalskii, Taras; Müller, Gerhard
2005Dimer and Trimer fluctuations in the s=1/2 transverse XX chainStolze, Joachim; Derzhko, Oleg; Krokhmalskii, Taras; Müller, Gerhard
2005Spin Chains as Perfect Quantum State MirrorsStolze, Joachim; Karbach, Peter
2005Multiparticle entanglement and ranks of density matricesStolze, Joachim; Chong, Bo; Keiter, Hellmut
2002-02Dynamics of alternating spin chainsStolze, Joachim; Derzhko, Oleg; Krokhmalskii, Taras
2002-04-26Dynamic properties of the dimerized spin-1/2 isotropic XY chain in a transverse fieldStolze, Joachim; Derzhko, Oleg; Krokhmalskii, Taras
2002-08-28Disorder Induced Quantum Phase transitions in Random-Exchange Spin-1/2 ChainsStolze, Joachim; Hamacher, Kay; Wenzel, Wolfgang
2000Impurity spin relaxation in S=1/2 XX chainsStolze, Joachim; Vogel, Michael
2000-04-28Dynamics of the spin-1/2 isotropic XY chain in a transverse fieldStolze, Joachim; Derzhko, Oleg; Krokhmalskii, Taras
1999-03-19Numerical evaluation of coherent-state path integrals in quantum dynamicsStolze, Joachim; Burghardt, Bernd
1999Numerical evaluation of coherent-state path integrals with application to time-dependent problemsStolze, Joachim; Burghardt, Bernd
1998-01-22Evaluation of coherent-state path integrals in statistical mechanics by matrix multiplicationStolze, Joachim; Burghardt, Bernd; Eicke, Joachim
1997Dynamic correlations of antiferromagnetic spin- XXZ chains at arbitrary temperature from complete diagonalizationStolze, Joachim; Fabricius, Klaus; Löw, Ute
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 46