Authors: Stolze, Joachim
Müller, Lothar
Leschke, Hajo
Nagel, Peter
Title: Classical and quantum phase-space behavior of a spin-boson system
Language (ISO): en
Abstract: We study the phase-space behavior of the standard two-level system (spin 1/2) coupled to a harmonic oscillator (without the rotating-wave approximation), the classical counterpart of which is known to display deterministic chaos. We study the quantum-mechanical phase-space behavior by means of harmonic-oscillator coherent states (Husimi representation). Stationary quantum Poincaré sections may be defined; they show many parallels to their classical counterparts. We also study the time development of initially coherent states and observe a tendency towards a decay into many small wave packets in phase space for parameters in the chaotic regime.
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Issue Date: 1990
Provenance: The American Physical Society
URL: 10.1103/PhysRevA.44.1022
Citation: Müller, Lothar; Stolze, Joachim; Leschke, Hajo, Nagel, Peter: Classical and quantum phase-space behavior of a spin-boson system. In: Physical Review A Nr. 2, Jg. 44(1991), S. 1022-1033, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.44.1022 .
Appears in Collections:Stolze, Joachim Prof. Dr.

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