Physikalische Chemie : [150]

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 150
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Local thermodynamic characterisation of binding sites and protein-ligand interactionsKast, Stefan M.; Jasper, Julia B.; Brunschweiger, Andreas
2021-04-12In-cell characterization of the stable tyrosyl radical in E. coli ribonucleotide reductase using advanced EPR spectroscopyMeichsner, Shari L.; Kutin, Yury; Kasanmascheff, Müge
2021-06-24Remodeling of the fibrillation pathway of α-synuclein by interaction with antimicrobial peptide LL-IIIOliva, Rosario; Mukherjee, Sanjib K.; Ostermeier, Lena; Pazurek, Lilli A.; Kriegler, Simon; Bader, Verian; Prumbaum, Daniel; Raunser, Stefan; Winklhofer, Konstanze F.; Tatzelt, Jörg; Winter, Roland
2021-12-09Modulation of the conformational space of SARS-CoV-2 RNA quadruplex RG-1 by cellular components and the amyloidogenic peptides α-Synuclein and hIAPPMukherjee, Sanjib K.; Knop, Jim-Marcel; Winter, Roland
2021Applications of integral equation theory to biological systemsKast, Stefan M.; Alber, Yannic; Czodrowski, Paul
2021-05-06Unraveling the binding characteristics of small ligands to telomeric DNA by pressure modulationOliva, Rosario; Mukherjee, Sanjib; Winter, Roland
2021Physikalische und zelluläre Einflussfaktoren auf das Konformationsgleichgewicht nicht-kanonischer DNS-StrukturenWinter, Roland; Knop, Jim-Marcel; Czeslik, Claus
2020-01-07Pressure sensitivity of SynGAP/PSD-95 condensates as a model for postsynaptic densities and its biophysical and neurological ramificationsCinar, Hasan; Oliva, Rosario; Lin, Yi-Hsuan; Chen, Xudong; Zhang, Mingjie; Chan, Hue Sun; Winter, Roland
2021Physicochemical property prediction for small molecules using integral equation-based solvation modelsKast, Stefan M.; Tielker, Nicolas; Czodrowski, Paul
2020-05-26Alteration of the conformational dynamics of a DNA hairpin by α-synuclein in the presence of aqueous two-phase systemsMukherjee, Sanjib K.; Knop, Jim-Marcel; Möbitz, Simone; Winter, Roland
2020-09-23The active site of a prototypical “rigid” drug target is marked by extensive conformational dynamicsSingh, Himanshu; Das, Chandan K.; Vasa, Suresh K.; Grohe, Kristof; Schäfer, Lars V.; Linser, Rasmus
2021Biophysikalische Studien zum Einfluss zytomimetischer Medien auf das Konformationsgleichgewicht ausgewählter BiomoleküleWinter, Roland; Arns, Loana; Czeslik, Claus
2020-10-20Quantum–mechanical property prediction of solvated drug molecules: what have we learned from a decade of SAMPL blind prediction challenges?Tielker, Nicolas; Eberlein, Lukas; Hessler, Gerhard; Schmidt, K. Friedemann; Güssregen, Stefan; Kast, Stefan M.
2020-10-14The effects of cosolutes and crowding on the kinetics of protein condensate formation based on liquid–liquid phase separationCinar, Hasan; Winter, Roland
2021A combined computational and NMR-spectroscopic approach for tautomer elucidation under extreme conditions towards investigating the robustness of genetic codesKast, Stefan M.; Eberlein, Lukas J.; Winter, Roland
2020-01-24The SAMPL6 challenge on predicting octanol–water partition coefficients from EC-RISM theoryTielker, Nicolas; Tomazic, Daniel; Eberlein, Lukas; Güssregen, Stefan; Kast, Stefan M.
2020Stabilität und Aktivität ausgewählter Enzymsysteme unter extremen UmweltbedingungenWinter, Roland; Jaworek, Michel Werner; Czeslik, Claus
2020Einfluss natürlicher und synthetischer Lipide sowie verschiedener Cosolventien auf LipidmembranenWinter, Roland; Herzog, Johann Marius Alexander; Czeslik, Claus
2020Role of aqueous two-phase systems in modulating the kinetics and dynamics of biological processesWinter, Roland; Banerjee, Sudeshna; Czeslik, Claus
2020Lipid-Modellmembranen unter dem Einfluss hochvalenter Kationen, lipidierter Imidazoliumsalze und Zwei-Phasen-SystemenWinter, Roland; Bornemann, Steffen; Kast, Stefan
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 150