Authors: Cevikbas, Mustafa
Kaiser, Gabriele
Title: Potential of Flipped Learning Pedagogy in Mathematics Education: A Review Study
Language (ISO): en
Abstract: Over time, some instructional strategies may become outdated and fail to meet learners’ needs, and some extraordinary circumstances (e.g., COVID-19 pandemic) necessitate adopting innovative methods in education. Referring to this issue, Borba (2021) revealed that the pandemic changed the agenda of mathematics education, transforming students’ homes into their classrooms. This situation reflects the concept of flipped learning pedagogy (FLP) which combines face-to-face and online learning and encourages students to take an active role in their own learning (Cevikbas & Kaiser, 2021). Mathematics educators (Bakker et al., 2021; Engelbrecht et al., 2020) reported various opportunities of hybrid learning modes, in particular FLP, to “redefine learning spaces, removing barriers between the home and school and making learning more accessible in a multiple of ways” (Attard & Holmes, 2020, p. 18). Although FLP can create numerous benefits for mathematics education, learners and instructors may encounter some important challenges when inverting mathematics instruction, for example, paradigm shift, creating new content, lack of competence and experience in the use of technology, and technological glitches (Cevikbas & Kaiser, 2020).
Subject Headings: hybrid learning
flipped classroom
flipped learning
review study
mathematics education
Issue Date: 2023
Provenance: Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik
Is part of: Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2022
Appears in Collections:2022

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