Capacitive scanning dilatometry and frequency dependent thermal expansion of polymer films

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The American Physical Society


The dilatometric properties of polymer films near and above their glass-transition temperatures were explored using capacitive high-frequency detection in temperature ramping as well as in harmonic temperature cycling experiments. The broad applicability of capacitive scanning dilatometry is demonstrated by the investigation of macromolecular systems of vastly different polarity such as polystyrene, polybutadiene, and polyvinylacetate. From temperature cycling experiments the real and imaginary parts of the frequency-dependent thermal-expansion coefficient are determined in the sub-Hz regime.


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Bauer, C.; Böhmer, R.; Moreno-Flores, S.; Richert, R.; Sillescu, H.; Neher, D.: Capacitive scanning dilatometry and frequency dependent thermal expansion of polymer films. In: Physical Review E Nr. 2, Jg. 61(2000), S. 1755-1764, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.61.1755.