Handling Tree-Structured Values in RapidMiner
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Attribute value types play an important role in mostly every datamin-
ing task. Most learners, for instance, are restricted to particular value
types. The usage of such learners is just possible after special forms of
preprocessing. RapidMiner most commonly distinguishes between nom-
inal and numerical values which are well-known to every RapidMiner-
user. Although, covering a great fraction of attribute types being present
in nowadays datamining tasks, nominal and numerical attribute values
are not sufficient for every type of feature. In this work we are focusing
on attribute values containing a tree-structure. We are presenting the
handling and especially the possibilities to use tree-structured data for
modelling. Additionally, we are introducing particular tasks which are
offering tree-structured data and might benefit from using those struc-
tures for modelling. All methods presented in this paper are contained
in the Information Extraction Plugin1 for RapidMiner.