Wissensweitergabe bei Vorsitzwechsel im Betriebsrat
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Aufgrund des demografischen Wandels sehen sich deutsche Betriebsräte mit einem Generationenwechsel in ihren Gremien konfrontiert. Gleichzeitig sind infolge eines Wandels der Erwerbsarbeit Themen- und Anforderungskomplexität der Betriebsratsarbeit stetig gestiegen, wodurch die Bedeutung von Wissen zunimmt. Um einen großflächigen Wissensverlust durch das rentenbedingte Ausscheiden älterer Betriebsratsmitglieder zu verhindern und die Handlungsfähigkeit der Gremien angesichts steigender Anforderungen zu erhalten, bedarf es rechtzeitiger Maßnahmen zur Sicherung jenes Wissens. Gerade dem Wissen von Betriebsratsvorsitzenden als zentrale Wissensträger*innen kommt dabei eine besondere Bedeutung zu. Daher werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit Wissensweitergaben bei Vorsitzwechseln in Betriebsräten untersucht, um herauszufinden welches Wissen im Rahmen der Vorsitzwechsel relevant ist, wie der Wissenstransfer welchen Wissens gestaltet wird und welche potenziell fördernden und hemmenden Faktoren Einfluss darauf nehmen. Zu diesem Zweck wurden acht problemzentrierte Einzelinterviews mit amtierenden, bereits ausgeschiedenen und designierten Betriebsratsvorsitzenden geführt und mithilfe der inhaltlich strukturierenden Inhaltsanalyse ausgewertet. Die Ergebnisse decken Wissenstransferprozesse auf, die weitestgehend unstrukturiert stattfinden und individuell gehandhabt werden. Weitergabe von explizitem (Fach-)wissen funktioniert dabei besser als die Weitergabe des impliziten Erfahrungswissens. Insbesondere sozialem und betrieblichem Erfahrungswissen wurde eine sehr hohe Bedeutsamkeit zugeschrieben. Relevante Einflussfaktoren waren neben organisational-strukturellen Rahmenbedingungen zu großen Teilen bei den handelnden Personen selbst zu verorten.
Due to the demographic change, German work councils are confronted with a generation change in their committees. At the same time, as a result of changes in gainful employment, the complexity of topics and requirements in the activities of works councils has risen steadily, increasing the importance of knowledge. In order to prevent a large-scale loss of knowledge due to the retirement of older work council members and to maintain the committees' ability to act in the face of increasing demands, timely measures are required to preserve this knowledge. Especially the knowledge of work council chairmen as central knowledge carriers is of great importance. Therefore, the present paper examines the transfer of knowledge during chairmanship changes in work councils in order to find out the relevant knowledge, how the transfer of knowledge is arranged and the potential factors that promote and inhibit them. To this end, eight problem-centred individual interviews were conducted with current, retired and designated work council chairmen and evaluated with the help of a content analysis. The results reveal knowledge transfer processes that are largely unstructured and handled individually. The passing on of explicit (technical) knowledge works better than the passing on of the usually more decisive experience knowledge. In particular, social and company experience knowledge was attributed a very high significance. In addition to organisational and structural framework conditions, the relevant factors influencing the transfer of knowledge were to a large extent the responsibility of the actors involved.
Due to the demographic change, German work councils are confronted with a generation change in their committees. At the same time, as a result of changes in gainful employment, the complexity of topics and requirements in the activities of works councils has risen steadily, increasing the importance of knowledge. In order to prevent a large-scale loss of knowledge due to the retirement of older work council members and to maintain the committees' ability to act in the face of increasing demands, timely measures are required to preserve this knowledge. Especially the knowledge of work council chairmen as central knowledge carriers is of great importance. Therefore, the present paper examines the transfer of knowledge during chairmanship changes in work councils in order to find out the relevant knowledge, how the transfer of knowledge is arranged and the potential factors that promote and inhibit them. To this end, eight problem-centred individual interviews were conducted with current, retired and designated work council chairmen and evaluated with the help of a content analysis. The results reveal knowledge transfer processes that are largely unstructured and handled individually. The passing on of explicit (technical) knowledge works better than the passing on of the usually more decisive experience knowledge. In particular, social and company experience knowledge was attributed a very high significance. In addition to organisational and structural framework conditions, the relevant factors influencing the transfer of knowledge were to a large extent the responsibility of the actors involved.
Table of contents
Demografischer Wandel, Generationenwechsel, Wissenstransfer, Betriebliche Interessenvertretung, Wissensmanagement, Betriebliche Mitbestimmung, knowledge-transfer, knowledge-management, works council, workforce representation, participation, codetermination