Sensors for Detection of Misbehaving Nodes in MANETs
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Gesellschaft für Informatik
The fact that security is a critical problem when implementing mobile ad
hoc networks (MANETs) is widely acknowledged. One of the different kinds of misbehavior
a node may exhibit is selfishness. A selfish node wants to preserve its resources
while using the services of others and consuming their resources. One way of
preventing selfishness in a MANET is a detection and exclusion mechanism. In this
paper, we focus on the detection and present different kinds of sensors that will find
selfish nodes. First we present simulations that show the negative effects which selfish
nodes cause in MANET. In the related work section we will analyze the detection
mechanisms proposed by others. Our new detection mechanisms that we describe in
this paper are called activity-based overhearing, iterative probing, and unambiguous
probing. Simulation-based analysis of these mechanisms show that they are highly
effective and can reliably detect a multitude of selfish behaviors.
Table of contents
Intrusion Detection, MANETs
Frank Kargl, Andreas Klenk, Michael Weber, Stefan Schlott: Sensors for Detection of Misbehaving Nodes in MANETs. In Flegel, U.; Meier, M. (Eds.): Proc. of the International GI Workshop on Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment, number P-46 in Lecture Notes in Informatics, pp. 83-98, Dortmund, Germany, July 2004, Köllen Verlag; ISBN 3-88579-365-X.