Entgrenzung der Arbeit und der Arbeitszeit?
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Lucius & Lucius Verlagsgesellschaft
Der Beitrag behandelt die Frage, ob sich in Bezug auf den Wandel der Beschäftigungsformen und der Arbeitszeiten Tendenzen der "Entgrenzung" von Normalarbeit beobachten lassen. Die Autorin zeigt anhand empirischer Fakten, dass sich Veränderungen derzeit eher am oberen und unteren Rand des Beschäftigungssystems ausmachen lassen, während der Kernbereich der Normalarbeit zumindest bisher von diesem Wandel bestenfalls tangiert wird. Eine Analyse der Triebkräfte des Wandels legt eine Interpretation als Nebeneinander von Be- und Entgrenzungen bzw. einer Polarisierung von Beschäftigungsstrukturen nahe. Anhand internationaler Vergleiche wird gezeigt, dass Politik und Regulierung einen starken Einfluss auf den Wandel der Beschäftigungsstrukturen haben. Die Autorin begründet ihre Auffassung, wonach der Begriff der Entgrenzung am treffendsten dort anzuwenden ist, wo sich derzeit eine Veränderung des Arbeitsvertrags vollzieht.
This article deals with the question as to whether a tendency towards a delimitation/liberalisation of standard employment can be observed with respect to the change in forms of employment and working times. The author shows on the basis of empirical facts, that changes can be seen rather at the top and bottom margins of the employment system, while the main area of standard employment is hardly influenced by the change, if at all. An analysis of the driving forces of that change suggests to interpret it as a co-existence of limitation on the one hand and delimitation/liberalisation on the other hand, i.e. a polarisation of employment structures. On the basis of international comparisons it is clear that politics and regulations have a strong influence on the change in employment structures. The author justifies her perception, whereby the term delimitation/liberalisation can be applied most aptly where changes in the working contract are currently executed.
This article deals with the question as to whether a tendency towards a delimitation/liberalisation of standard employment can be observed with respect to the change in forms of employment and working times. The author shows on the basis of empirical facts, that changes can be seen rather at the top and bottom margins of the employment system, while the main area of standard employment is hardly influenced by the change, if at all. An analysis of the driving forces of that change suggests to interpret it as a co-existence of limitation on the one hand and delimitation/liberalisation on the other hand, i.e. a polarisation of employment structures. On the basis of international comparisons it is clear that politics and regulations have a strong influence on the change in employment structures. The author justifies her perception, whereby the term delimitation/liberalisation can be applied most aptly where changes in the working contract are currently executed.
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delimination, standard employment relationship, working time regulation