Schlechte Zeiten für die Mitbestimmung?
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Westdeutscher Verlag
Nach 45 Jahren Montanmitbestimmung und zwanzig Jahren Mitbestimmungsgesetz´76 versucht der vorliegende Aufsatz eine Standortbestimmung. In Zeiten der Globalisierung und Infragestellung langjährig bewährter institutioneller Strukturen, in denen shareholder value concepts Unternehmenspolitiken prägen, Funktionsverluste und Gefährdungen der Mitbestimmung in Unternehmen und Betrieb zu beobachten sind, die gewerkschaftliche Mitbestimmungsidee selbstkritischen Überprüfungen unterworfen ist, und unternehmerische Partizipionskonzepte ihr ureigenstes Feld besetzt haben, bricht der Autor eine Lanze für das bundesrepublikanische Modell der institutionalisierten Mitbestimmung. Gerade in solchen Umbruchsituationen gilt es, historische Leistungen des deutschen Mitbestimmungsmodells sichtbar zu machen und auf die Bedeutung seiner rechtlichen Institutionalisierung zu verweisen, die einer reinen Marktlogik nicht entspricht. Aber es ist auch notwendig, Reformen der erreichten institutionellen Strukturen anzumahnen und in der alltäglichen Praxis der Mitbestimmung die Anknüpfungspunkte für ihre Weiterentwicklung deutlicher herauszuarbeiten.
After 45 years of co-determination in the steel and coal-mining industries and ever since the co-determination act of 1976 has been in practice for 20 years, the following essay tries to give an account. In times of globalization and increasing risks for institutional structures, which have been stable for some decades, shareholder value concepts leave their mark on the politics of enterprises, risks and damages of the functions of co-determination on the enterprise as well as on the factory level are to be observed, the trade unions' idea of co-determination itself is exposed to a self-critical examination and when managerial participation concepts occupy the original place of co-determination with, the author standing up for the German model of institutionalized co-determination. Especially in such times of radical changes, it is necessary to put emphasis on the historical achievements of co-determination and the importance of its institutionalization by law, which does not completely accord with the pure logic of the market. But it is also necessary to remind of reforms of the institutional structures and to look for points of contact for a further evolution of co-determination in its everyday practice.
After 45 years of co-determination in the steel and coal-mining industries and ever since the co-determination act of 1976 has been in practice for 20 years, the following essay tries to give an account. In times of globalization and increasing risks for institutional structures, which have been stable for some decades, shareholder value concepts leave their mark on the politics of enterprises, risks and damages of the functions of co-determination on the enterprise as well as on the factory level are to be observed, the trade unions' idea of co-determination itself is exposed to a self-critical examination and when managerial participation concepts occupy the original place of co-determination with, the author standing up for the German model of institutionalized co-determination. Especially in such times of radical changes, it is necessary to put emphasis on the historical achievements of co-determination and the importance of its institutionalization by law, which does not completely accord with the pure logic of the market. But it is also necessary to remind of reforms of the institutional structures and to look for points of contact for a further evolution of co-determination in its everyday practice.