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Computational recognition of RNA splice sites by exact algorithms for the quadratic traveling salesman problem


One fundamental problem of bioinformatics is the computational recognition of DNA and RNA binding sites. Given a set of short DNA or RNA sequences of equal length such as transcription factor binding sites or RNA splice sites, the task is to learn a pattern from this set that allows the recognition of similar sites in another set of DNA or RNA sequences. Permuted Markov (PM) models and permuted variable length Markov (PVLM) models are two powerful models for this task, but the problem of finding an optimal PM model or PVLM model is NP-hard. While the problem of finding an optimal PM model or PVLM model of order one is equivalent to the traveling salesman problem (TSP), the problem of finding an optimal PM model or PVLM model of order two is equivalent to the quadratic TSP (QTSP). Several exact algorithms exist for solving the QTSP, but it is unclear if these algorithms are capable of solving QTSP instances resulting from RNA splice sites of at least 150 base pairs in a reasonable time frame. Here, we investigate the performance of three exact algorithms for solving the QTSP for ten datasets of splice acceptor sites and splice donor sites of five different species and find that one of these algorithms is capable of solving QTSP instances of up to 200 base pairs with a running time of less than two days.


Table of contents


Splice site, Permuted Markov model, Permuted variable length Markov model, Quadratic traveling salesman problem, Combinatorial optimization, Dynamic programming, Branch and bound, Branch and cut, Integer linear programming
