Statistical analysis of the lifetime of diamond impregnated tools for core drilling of concrete
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The lifetime of diamond impregnated tools for core drilling of concrete
is studied via the lifetimes of the single diamonds on the tool. Thereby, the number
of visible and active diamonds on the tool surface is determined by microscopical
inspections of the tool at given points in time. This leads to interval-censored lifetime
data if only the diamonds visible at the beginning are considered. If also the
lifetimes of diamonds appearing during the drilling process are included then the
lifetimes are doubly interval-censored. A statistical method is presented to analyse
the interval-censored data as well as the doubly interval-censored data. The method
is applied to three series of experiments which differ in the size of the diamonds
and the type of concrete. It turns out that the lifetimes of small diamonds used for
drilling into conventional concrete is much shorter than the lifetimes when using
large diamonds or high strength concrete.