LIV - The Linux Integrated Viruswall
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Gesellschaft für Informatik
This paper presents a system developed in Linux aiming the protection of
local area networks containing Windows workstations against malicious agents.
The developed solution, named LIV - Linux Integrated Viruswall, besides filtering
SMTP, HTTP and FTP traffic destined to the protected network, is capable of
detecting malicious agents propagation in the local area network using a technique
that we call "sharing-trap". Compromised workstations are isolated from the
network and their users are notified, stopping the malicious agent's spread. Results
collected from a network protected by LIV, containing thousands of Windows
workstations, are presented and discussed. This paper includes information about
the recent incident caused by MyDoom worm.
Table of contents
Teobaldo A. Dantas de Medeiros; Paulo S. Motta Pires: LIV - The Linux Integrated Viruswall. In Flegel, U.; Meier, M. (Eds.): Proc. of the International GI Workshop on Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment, number P-46 in Lecture Notes in Informatics, pp. 187-200, Dortmund, Germany, July 2004, Köllen Verlag; ISBN 3-88579-365-X.