Kombinierter biologisch-photokatalytischer Abbau von umweltrelevanten Stickstoffverbindungen zur Reinigung von landwirtschaftlichen Abwässern mit bewachsenen Pflanzenfiltern und TiO 2 /UV
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Universität Dortmund
In dieser Arbeit wurde eine Modelkläranlage aufgebaut, über 18 Monate betrieben und eine Bilanz für die Abwasserfracht aufgestellt. Die Modellkläranlage bestand aus einem vertikalen, bewachsenen Pflanzenfilter, einem Pflanzenteich und einem CPC-Reaktor (Compound Parabolic Collector) mit Bestrahlungszelle. Der Zulauf an Abwasser betrug etwa 18 L / Tag bei einer mittleren organischen Belastung von 1564 mg/L, ausgedrückt als CSB.In der ersten biologischen Stufe (Pflanzenfilter) erfolgte die Oxidation und Nitrifikation von organischen (Stickstoff-) verbindungen, anschließend sollte der enstandene Nitrit- / Nitrat-stickstoff in der zweiten Stufe (Pflanzenteich) denitrifiziert werden. Anschließend wurden in der dritten Stufe (CPC-Reaktor) biologisch schwer abbaubare Verbindungen mittels TiO2/UV als sog. AOP (Advanced Oxidation Process) weiter zu CO2 und Mineralsäuren oxidiert.Die Untersuchungen in der Modellkläranlage wurden begleitet von Labor- und Feldversuchen zur Steigerung der Katalysatoreffizienz, zum Studium der Abbauwege / Reaktonskinetik von Modellsubstanzen (darunter Pestizde, Amine und Phenol) und zum von Vergleich verschiedenenen Photoreaktoren.
In the work presented here, a model waste water treatment plant was set up, run for about 18 month and balanced for the waste water freight. The treatment plant was a vertically driven, planted soil filter, a planted pond and a CPC reactor (Compound Parabolic Collector) including a radiation source. The waste water feed was approximately 18 L / day with a mean organic load of 1564 mg/L in terms of the COD.In the first biological stage (planted soil filter) the oxidation and nitrification of organic (nitrogen) compounds took place, while the nitrite / nitrate nitrogen produced in this stage should have been denitrificated in the second stage (planted pond). Biologically less degradable compounds were further oxidized to CO2 and mineral acids by TiO2/UV as a so called AOP (Advanced Oxidation Process).The investigations were completed by laboratory and field experiments to enhance the catalytic efficiency, to investigate the degradation pathways / kinetics of model compounds (including pesticides, amines and phenoles) and the comparison of different photo reactors.
In the work presented here, a model waste water treatment plant was set up, run for about 18 month and balanced for the waste water freight. The treatment plant was a vertically driven, planted soil filter, a planted pond and a CPC reactor (Compound Parabolic Collector) including a radiation source. The waste water feed was approximately 18 L / day with a mean organic load of 1564 mg/L in terms of the COD.In the first biological stage (planted soil filter) the oxidation and nitrification of organic (nitrogen) compounds took place, while the nitrite / nitrate nitrogen produced in this stage should have been denitrificated in the second stage (planted pond). Biologically less degradable compounds were further oxidized to CO2 and mineral acids by TiO2/UV as a so called AOP (Advanced Oxidation Process).The investigations were completed by laboratory and field experiments to enhance the catalytic efficiency, to investigate the degradation pathways / kinetics of model compounds (including pesticides, amines and phenoles) and the comparison of different photo reactors.
Table of contents
CPC-Reaktor, TiO2/UV, Pflanzenfilter, Pirimicarb, Nb dotiertes TiO2, Gülle, CPC reactor, TiO2/UV, planted soil filter, Pirimicarb, Nb doped TiO2, liquid manure