Flexibilität ersetzt Kontinuität
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Lucius & Lucius Verlagsgesellschaft
Mit der Flexibilisierung von Arbeitsverhältnissen verändern sich auch die psychologischen Kontrakte, d.h. die wechselseitigen Angebote und Erwartungen von Arbeitgebenden und Arbeitnehmenden. Parallel dazu wird vermehrt auch individuell der Wunsch nach mehr Flexibilität im Berufsalltag oder in der beruflichen Laufbahn geäussert. In der vorliegenden auf qualitativen Interviews beruhenden Studie wird die Veränderung der psychologischen Kontrakte in Unternehmen wie auch bei Personen, die ihren Beruf gewechselt haben, untersucht. Letztere wurden zudem zu ihrer persönlichen Identität befragt. Die Interviewdaten wurden mit der Methode der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse ausgewertet. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass die Veränderung psychologischer Kontrakte von einer konservativen bis hin zu einer drastischen Ausprägung variiert. In den persönlichen Biographien behält der Beruf zwar noch eine dominierende Stellung, die befragten Personen planen ihre berufliche Entwicklung jedoch unter Berücksichtigung vielfältiger Optionen und integrieren deren Wechselhaftigkeit in die eigene Identitätsdefinition. Als Konsequenz daraus wird empfohlen, Personen darin zu unterstützen, Sicherheit in den eigenen Kompetenzen statt in Betriebs- oder Berufszugehörigkeit zu suchen.
In the context of workplace flexibility psychological contracts i.e. reciprocal obligations between employers and employees are changing. People increasingly request more flexibility regarding their employment or their career. In this study the change of psychological contracts experienced in companies as well as by people, who changed their profession, was examined with semi-structured interviews. The latter were interviewed with regard to their personal identity as well. The interview data were analysed with the method of qualitative contents analysis. Evidence is given that the change of psychological contracts varies from a conservative to a drastical version. Personal biographies are still dominated by the profession. The interviewees, however, plan their professional development considering various options and integrate the many changes within their life in their own definition of identity. Recommendations are given in order to support individuals to find security in their own competencies instead of identifying with a company or a profession.
In the context of workplace flexibility psychological contracts i.e. reciprocal obligations between employers and employees are changing. People increasingly request more flexibility regarding their employment or their career. In this study the change of psychological contracts experienced in companies as well as by people, who changed their profession, was examined with semi-structured interviews. The latter were interviewed with regard to their personal identity as well. The interview data were analysed with the method of qualitative contents analysis. Evidence is given that the change of psychological contracts varies from a conservative to a drastical version. Personal biographies are still dominated by the profession. The interviewees, however, plan their professional development considering various options and integrate the many changes within their life in their own definition of identity. Recommendations are given in order to support individuals to find security in their own competencies instead of identifying with a company or a profession.
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competence, psychological contract, work and identity, workplace flexibility