Relaxation in the glass-former acetyl salicylic acid studied by deuteron magnetic resonance and dielectric spectroscopy

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The American Physical Society


Supercooled liquid and glassy acetylsalicylic acid was studied using dielectric spectroscopy and deuteron relaxometry in a wide temperature range. The supercooled liquid is characterized by major deviations from thermally activated behavior. In the glass the secondary relaxation exhibits the typical features of a Johari-Goldstein process. Via measurements of spin-lattice relaxation times the selectively deuterated methyl group was used as a sensitive probe of its local environments. There is a large difference in the mean activation energy in the glass with respect to that in crystalline acetylsalicylic acid. This can be understood by taking into account the broad energy barrier distribution in the glass.


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Nath, R.; El Goresy, T.; Geil, B.; Zimmermann, H.; Böhmer, R.: Relaxation in the glass-former acetyl salicylic acid studied by deuteron magnetic resonance and dielectric spectroscopy. In: Physical Review E Jg. 74(2006), 021506/1-4, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.74.021506.