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Westdeutscher Verlag
Kommunikationstrainings haben sich als relativ eigenständiges Segment betrieblicher Weiterbildung etabliert. Dieser Aufsatz will zu einer stärkeren wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung mit diesem spezifischen Bildungssegment anregen und auf mögliche Forschungsfragen hinweisen. Es wird die These vertreten, daß Kommunikationstrainings nach einer Wachstumsphase in den achtziger Jahren nunmehr deutliche Krisenerscheinungen aufweisen. Seminarerfahrene TeilnehmerInnen stellen neuartige Ansprüche, auf welche erfolgsverwöhnte TrainerInnen nur unzureichend vorbereitet sind. Während die methodisch-didaktische Entwicklung _ abgekoppelt von der berufspädagogischen Forschung _ stagniert, versuchen Betriebe in neuem Maßstab, Trainings für Organisationszwecke zu instrumentalisieren. Es zeichnen sich Tendenzen in Richtung auf ein noch breiteres und diffuseres Aktionsfeld für TrainerInnen ab. Auch wenn eine stärkere formale Regelung dieses Bildungssegments wenig aussichtsreich erscheint, wird für kollektive Strategien zur Interessenvertretung auf Trainerseite und die Schaffung größerer Transparenz in einer eigendynamischen Entwicklung durch sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung plädiert.
Communication training techniques have developed as a relatively independent segment of further vocational training. The aim of this article is to initiate a more intense scientific debate of this specific sector of further education and to refer to relevant questions which are likely to occur. We suggest that, after a booming phase in the Eighties, the sector of communication training is now approaching a critical stage. Regular seminary participants now claim to have different demands to what is being provided so far by complacent trainers who are not sufficiently prepared for these new requirements. While the methodical-didactic development independent from professional educational research has come to a standstill, companies are trying to instrumentalize training for organisational purposes. There is a tendency towards an even wider and more diffused field of practice for trainers. Even if a more formal regimentation of this further educational segment appears to have little prospects, we plead for collective strategies in respect of a representation of interests on the trainer's side and for more transparency in this self dynamic development through social sciences research.
Communication training techniques have developed as a relatively independent segment of further vocational training. The aim of this article is to initiate a more intense scientific debate of this specific sector of further education and to refer to relevant questions which are likely to occur. We suggest that, after a booming phase in the Eighties, the sector of communication training is now approaching a critical stage. Regular seminary participants now claim to have different demands to what is being provided so far by complacent trainers who are not sufficiently prepared for these new requirements. While the methodical-didactic development independent from professional educational research has come to a standstill, companies are trying to instrumentalize training for organisational purposes. There is a tendency towards an even wider and more diffused field of practice for trainers. Even if a more formal regimentation of this further educational segment appears to have little prospects, we plead for collective strategies in respect of a representation of interests on the trainer's side and for more transparency in this self dynamic development through social sciences research.