Fakultät für Raumplanung
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Item Planungskonflikte im Klimawandel(2024) Baars, Stefan; Gessler, Ornella; Huning, Sandra; Lass, Wiebke; Seydel, Hanna; Reusswig, FritzItem Households’ readiness and community-based organisations’ role in flood management: the case of Freetown City’s coastal area(2023-11-06) Turay, Bashiru; Gbetuwa, Sheku; Turay, AlieuFlooding is a well-known extreme climate event affecting coastal settlements around the world. It is the principal climate-related disaster encountered by residents of Portee and Rukupa, coastal slums in Freetown, Sierra Leone. The impacts of floods in these slums have been exacerbated by the lack of effective control measures to address the disaster. One reason for this ineffectiveness is a lack of information about how households are ready to manage floods and the roles of community-based organisations (CBOs) in these events. Given this concern, this study examines household readiness and CBOs’ roles in flood management in Portee and Rokupa using observation, purposive, and snowball sampling techniques to study 204 households and 12 CBOs. The results show that flood-related information in the community is mostly shared verbally among residents. In addition, most households claimed not to have received support amidst flood events, whereas CBOs within the area claimed the opposite. As such, we recommend that future studies look at household perceptions of vulnerability and willingness to take risk-reduction actions. This study encourages community members to strengthen inter-community and organisational learning, feedback, and support systems and adopt a “no wait on the government principle” for flood management.Item Next generation small urban manufacturing: apprentices’ perspective on location factors, mixed-use, and shared spaces(2023-11-21) Meyer, KerstinAdvancements in technology and architecture enable mixed-use development while normative settings like the European Commission’s New Leipzig Charter support the concept of a productive city. Nonetheless, small urban manufacturers (SUMs) including crafts still face displacement due to property prices, conflicts with housing, planning laws, and building regulations. Urban planning and economic development emphasise the importance of identifying and redeveloping suitable sites for urban manufacturing companies. Largely unanswered, however, is whether the next generation of manufacturers (apprentices) want mixed-use locations within the city or space sharing, and if so, under which conditions. Based on two written surveys, this article examines the location requirements of SUMs in Germany and the willingness of apprentices in the Ruhr area to embrace mixed-use buildings and shared spaces. The study focuses on three craft groups: store crafts, workshop crafts, and construction site crafts. The results show that SUMs in Germany and manufacturing apprentices in the Ruhr prioritise car- and security-related infrastructure, as well as low real-estate costs. Store crafts specifically seek affordable and well-connected ground-floor locations. Construction site crafts prioritise (un)loading facilities for trucks on industrial land over sustainable transport infrastructure, and they differ significantly from the other craft groups in terms of mixed-use preferences. However, all craft groups express openness to mixed-use locations with offices and additional workshops and shared spaces like garages, canteens, and showrooms. The article suggests that commercial courtyards could effectively meet the requirements and desires of apprentices and urban planners alike.Item A simulation study to explore inference about global Moran's I with random spatial indexes(2022-10-17) Westerholt, RenéInference procedures for spatial autocorrelation statistics assume that the underlying configurations of spatial units are fixed. However, sometimes this assumption can be disadvantageous, for example, when analyzing social media posts or moving objects. This article examines for the case of point geometries how a change from fixed to random spatial indexes affects inferences about global Moran's I, a popular spatial autocorrelation measure. Homogeneous and inhomogeneous Matérn and Thomas cluster processes are studied and for each of these processes, 10,000 random point patterns are simulated for investigating three aspects that are key in an inferential context: the null distributions of I when the underlying geometries are varied; the effect of the latter on critical values used to reject null hypotheses; and how the presence of point processes affects the statistical power of Moran's I. The results show that point processes affect all three characteristics. Inferences about spatial structure in relevant application contexts may therefore be different from conventional inferences when this additional source of randomness is taken into account.Item Place, Big Data, and statistical methods(2023-02) Westerholt, RenéItem Transforming places. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Platial Information Science (PLATIAL'23)(2023-12-20) Westerholt, René; Mocnik, Franz-BenjaminPlaces are not static. For example, social-ecological sacrifice zones influence how people see their own existence in partly economically shaped areas with detrimental social and health characteristics, or even support the formation of these zones through place-making. Likewise, gentrification can lead to territorial conflicts, including cultural hegemony, possibly leading to othering of previously resident people. The Ruhr – where PLATIAL'23 took place – is a prime example of transformation itself, as it has undergone significant change as a (post-)industrial area over the last 150 years. These processes of transformation are not exceptions but the rule when it comes to fluid instantiations of place. PLATIAL'23 invited researchers to explore how transformations (in a broad sense) not only manifest in places themselves but are also reflected in platial information. Concepts of place based on social ontologies instead of merely geometric space conceptions are inherently predisposed to fluidity and change. However, this character is often not reflected in the way GIScience and related disciplines represent and analyse platial information yet. The symposium contributed to this topic in terms of both conceptual and empirical contributions from a range of disciplinary backgrounds.Item Unveiling place perspectives with the place standard tool(2023-12-20) Slivinskaya, Liudmila; Cobs-Muñoz, VíctorThis report presents the outcomes of the workshop titled ‘Unveiling Place Perspectives with the Place Standard Tool’ held at the Fourth International Symposium on Platial Information Science (PLATIAL'23), which took place on 19–21 September 2023 in Dortmund, Germany. The workshop convened participants from diverse locations and disciplinary backgrounds during the symposium. Using the open-access participatory instrument known as the Place Standard Tool as a framework, the event provided a dynamic platform for engaging discussions and reflections. The tool offers a guideline around 14 major themes, which encompass our place experience. It has been widely adopted and implemented in a variety of contexts, and the workshop has built on its expertise to facilitate dialogue around a place that was selected as a workshop site. The participants conducted an exploratory walk and completed an evaluation of place, sharing their results in a final discussion. The workshop successfully unveiled diverse place perspectives, affirming efficacy of the Place Standard Tool as a versatile instrument for open conversations about place. The hands-on format, fostering informal exchanges, seamlessly aligned with the symposium's broader objectives of nurturing platial discourse and expanding it towards new disciplines and fields.Item Thinking places: towards application of place-based GIS in urban morphology(2022) Slivinskaya, LiudmilaThis article sketches out a tentative direction towards potentials that might be opened by the formalization of place through place-based GIS for the study of urban form. In particular, models of place based on function and affordances are touched upon to explore their relevance within the domain of urban morphology under contemporary urban conditions. Established morphological relations and hierarchies of elements of urban form become more and more fragmented as new complex hybrid typologies emerge and proliferate. Such new types of spaces, being highly flexible, multi-layered, ever increasing in complexity, entangling built forms and open spaces, merging inside and outside, featuring stacks of green spaces in sophisticated vertical programming, call for an equally complex and multidimensional vision of urban form, its generative and operational principles. There is thus a need to search for new ways and approaches to take the conceptualization of urban form further, beyond its mere geometrical properties. Functional imperatives inter alia drive formation and transformation of urban form. Could then a place, understood through its functions or affordances, offer deeper insights into formation, emergence, and operation of urban form today? Could such formalization, embedded into GIS, allow for richer data flows to be analysed, opening up new experiential and operational facets of urban form? Could it lead towards better integration of a human-centred perspective allowing us to see 'lived' or 'experienced' urban form not only through phenomenological, subjective, individual accounts or narratives, but also as it is embedded in abstract blank space? Such are the questions touched upon by the article.Item Introduction to the Fourth International Symposium on Platial Information Science(2023-12-20) Westerholt, René; Mocnik, Franz-BenjaminPlaces are not static. For example, social-ecological sacrifice zones influence how people see their own existence in partly economically shaped areas with detrimental social and health characteristics, or even support the formation of these zones through place-making. Likewise, gentrification can lead to territorial conflicts, including cultural hegemony, possibly leading to othering of previously resident people. The Ruhr – where PLATIAL'23 took place – is a prime example of transformation itself, as it has undergone significant change as a (post-)industrial area over the last 150 years. These processes of transformation are not exceptions but the rule when it comes to fluid instantiations of place. PLATIAL'23 invited researchers to explore how transformations (in a broad sense) not only manifest in places themselves but are also reflected in platial information. Concepts of place based on social ontologies instead of merely geometric space conceptions are inherently predisposed to fluidity and change. However, this character is often not reflected in the way GIScience and related disciplines represent and analyse platial information yet. The symposium contributed to this topic in terms of both conceptual and empirical contributions from a range of disciplinary backgrounds.Item Geographische Räume, neu konstruiert(2023-08) Westerholt, RenéDie als technosozialer Prozess verstandene Digitalisierung beeinflusst nahezu alle Bereiche der Gesellschaft. Die damit im Zusammenhang stehenden Entwicklungen verlaufen in der Regel langsam und über längere Zeiträume, weshalb entsprechende Veränderungen oft erst im Nachhinein deutlich werden. Noch weniger offensichtlich sind die Auswirkungen der digitalen Technologien auf das Konzept des geographischen Raums, das, verstanden als eine Reihe von sozial konstruierten Beziehungen zwischen auf der Erdoberfläche befindlichen Einheiten, bereits für sich genommen abstrakt ist. Dennoch unterliegt der geographische Raum als Konzept derzeit einem tiefgreifenden Wandel. Digitale Technologien können Geographien ermöglichen oder behindern, ihre Gestaltung und Wahrnehmung beeinflussen oder Handlungen auslösen, die eine räumliche Manifestation haben. Dieses Kapitel bietet eine Diskussion geographischer Wissensordnungen, die sich unter dem Einfluss der Digitalisierung zu verändern scheinen. Eine Einführung in die technologischen und soziokulturellen Aspekte des Einflusses digitaler Prozesse auf geographische Räume liefert zunächst die Grundlagen für die zu diskutierenden Veränderungsprozesse. Darauf aufbauend werden verschiedene digital-geographische Raumvorstellungen aus der Humangeographie vorgestellt, da diese die Kontexte bilden, in denen digital beeinflusste geographische Informationen entstehen. Letztere bilden die Grundlage für Wissen. Daher werden verschiedene prototypische Formen geographischer Information kurz vorgestellt. Die anschließende Diskussion der sich wandelnden geographischen Wissensordnungen zeigt, dass die Digitalisierung zu einer Mischform des Wissens über geographische Sachverhalte führt: Einerseits gibt es digital geprägtes lokales Erfahrungswissen (aus erster Hand), das andererseits auch Merkmale von formalisiertem propositionalem Wissen aufweist. Darüber hinaus wird in diesem Kapitel argumentiert, dass trotz gegenteiliger Prognosen, insbesondere aus den 1990er Jahren, die Geographie als organisierendes Strukturelement für Wissen an Bedeutung gewinnt, und zwar nicht in traditioneller Weise in Bezug auf Länder oder Regionen, sondern in unregelmäßiger und hyperlokaler Weise über Orte, die sowohl digital als auch physisch präsent sind.Item Entwicklung einer faseroptischen Bandwaage für den Einsatz in Recyclinganlagen(2023) Gönner, Alexander; Faulstich, Martin; Ten Hompel, MichaelUm die Automatisierung in der Recyclingindustrie voranzutreiben, ist eine zuverlässigere Überwachung der stattfindenden Prozessschritte und des verarbeiteten Materialstroms erforderlich. Der verstärkte Einsatz von Bandwaagen ist eine Möglichkeit, dieser Herausforderung zu begegnen. Herkömmliche Bandwaagen sind für diesen Zweck jedoch zu ungenau, unflexibel und kostspielig. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es daher, eine alternative Bandwaage zu entwickeln, die durch den Einsatz von faseroptischen Technologien verbesserte Eigenschaften aufweist. Der aktuelle Stand von Wissenschaft und Technik wird genutzt, um Messverfahren und -methoden speziell für diese Anwendung zu entwickeln und zu erproben. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die faseroptische Bandwaage in Recyclinganlagen vielseitiger und zuverlässiger eingesetzt werden kann und ein positiver Skaleneffekt zu reduzierten Stückkosten führt. Diese Vorteile heben die faseroptische Bandwaage von herkömmlichen Bandwaagen ab, so dass sie in Recyclinganlagen wirtschaftlicher und ressourcenschonender eingesetzt werden kann.Item Wohnstandortentscheidungen im wohnbiografischen Ansatz(2023) Albrecht, Janna; Scheiner, Joachim; Siedentop, Stefan; Othengrafen, FrankDiese Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit Wohnstandortentscheidungen. Theoretisch baut sie auf den biografischen Ansatz auf und verbindet ihn mit dem Linked-Lives-Ansatz und der intergenerationalen Transmission. Die Arbeit geht der Forschungsfrage nach, wie Wohnstandortentscheidungen durch die vorausgegangene Wohnbiografie und Personen innerhalb und außerhalb des Haushaltes beeinflusst werden. Dabei wird die Familiengründungsphase fokussiert und die Bedeutung des Ortes der Kindheit und Jugend in dieser Phase untersucht. Es wird ein besonderer Datensatz mit quantitativen intergenerationalen Längsschnittdaten von Familien genutzt. Den Kern der kumulativen Dissertation stellen drei Aufsätze in Fachzeitschriften dar. Die erste Veröffentlichung trifft vor allem Aussagen zur Datenqualität des genutzten Datensatzes. In den beiden empirischen Veröffentlichungen werden binäre und multinomiale logistische Regressionsmodelle präsentiert, die mithilfe des Split-Half-Ansatzes entwickelt werden. Insgesamt verdeutlichen die Ergebnisse die Komplexität und Wechselwirkungen zwischen der Wohn-, Partnerschafts- und Familienbiografie. Es zeigt sich eine enorme Stabilität der Wohnstandorte nicht nur über den individuellen Lebensverlauf, sondern auch über Generationen hinweg. Intergenerationale Transmission innerhalb der Familie wird in den multivariaten Analysen nicht bestätigt, zeigt sich jedoch in den deskriptiven Ergebnissen. Es werden Geschlechterunterschiede festgestellt, die den oftmals gezogenen Schluss der weiblichen tied mover jedoch nicht zulassen. Die Ergebnisse zur Soziodemografie und der räumlichen Einflussgröße deuten vor allem auf die Bedeutung der Bildungsinfrastruktur und des spezialisierten Arbeitsmarktes hin.Item A qualitative research on emigration and identity in İzmir–Eşrefpaşa(2021-11-30) Yıldızer Özkan, Elif; Zengin Çelik, HayatEşrefpaşa has been considered as a migration settlement where every emigrant, immigrant or refugee has an opportunity to live freely according to their tradition and culture without any pressure considering the ethnic and social diversity. This article aims to comprehend how the next generations of emigrants in Eşrefpaşa describe their ancestors, identities, cultures and urban environment and highlight the transformations they faced spatially and socially. After conducting an in-depth interview study of 26 people between the ages of 35 and 85 years, the analysis revealed that second and third generations preserve their culture, while the identity of emigration has substantially decreased for the fourth generation due to the undeniable effects of individualism and globalization on society since the early 2000s. The outcomes obtained in this paper, the most up-to-date of the rare oral interviews performed with the emigrants in Eşrefpaşa, can be used as a resource of discussion for developing future research.