Berichte aus dem Institut für Raumplanung

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    Governance of territorial and urban policies
    (2006-12) Ache, Peter; Hill, Alexandra; Höweler, Michael; Peters, Stefan
    ESPON project 2.3.2Governance of Territorial and Urban Policies from EU to Local Level holds an important position in the definition and elaboration of a common ground for investigating the institutional, instrumental ans procedural aspects of territorial and urban policies in Europe. The project focuses on the question how effective different systems are, e.g. considering a policy mix of spatial planning (in different forms implemented by Member States), local government powers and taxation policy in defining common spatial development strategies and objectives such as a polycentric urban system, balancing urban-rural needs, reviving derelict urban areas, urban regeneration, sustainable management of the natural and cultural assets. In that perspective, an analysis based on a comparative review of the instruments used, and stakeholders involved in various policy areas and processes, is being undertaken to draw some valuable conclusions of practical relevance on governance. The report sums up the main overall findings of the ESPON 2.3.2 project and presents in more detail the contributions delivered by IRPUD. The structure of this report is as follows. Part 1 summarizes the project in terms of research aims, hypotheses and key findings. The following parts present research work done by IRPUD. It starts with a German National Overview on the application of governance practices (part 2) and two case studies for urban and territorial governance (part 3). The second half of the report presents on a quantitative analysis of several indicators. Part 4 on data and indicators discusses data quality and develops the quantitative approach for measuring governance. In part 5 the report draws a synthesis of governance trends identified in the national case studies.
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    Application and effects of the ESDP in Member States
    (2006-12) Ache, Peter; Höweler, Michael; Peters, Stefan; Lindner, Christian
    Between 2004 and 2006 IRPUD participated in two projects of the European Spatial Planning Observation Network, in short ESPON. Both projects fall into the policy impact studies of ESPON, trying to understand and identify the various effects of territorial policies implemented by the EU and its various bodies. The ESPON project 2.3.1 ??Application and Effects of the ESDP in Member States?? focused on the European Spatial Development Perspective and tried to analyse, which effects this bottom-up policy document finally generated when looking towards the planning systems of member states (and beyond). The ESPON project 2.3.2 Governance of Territorial and Urban Policies from the EU to Local Level on the one hand can be understood as a follow up of the mid-90ies Compendium of EU Planning Systems. On other hand, the study clearly goes beyond the earlier compendium trying to establish a deeper understanding of urban and territorial policies in Europe, not least surveying 29 states. IRPUD contributed to both projects various elements but in particular quantitative approaches towards the analysis. What needs to be stressed here is, that the quantitative approach in both cases constitutes only a very first attempt. Both policy fields are very complex analytical entities which do not lend easily for a quantitative indicator based survey. The results rather have to be seen as preliminary, raising many more questions than providing ready made answers. The reports presented here are excerpts of the final reports produced for ESPON. The complete versions can be found at . The team for both projects (with varying responsibilities) consisted of Prof. Dr. Peter Ache, Alexandra Hill, Michael Höweler, Christian Lindner and Stefan Peters.
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    Aspatial Peripherality in Europe
    (2005-12) Lindner, Christoph; Lückenkötter, Johannes; Panebianco, Panebianco; Schlusemann, Benedikt; Spiekermann, Klaus; Wegener, Michael
    "Aspatial Peripherality, Innovation and the Rural Economy" (AsPIRE) was a European research project funded by the EU Fifth Framework Programme concerned with the changing nature of peripheral regions. Recent advances in transport and communication technology have created the potential for fundamental changes in relationships between highly accessible "core" and less accessible "peripheral" regions. Some peripheral regions have taken advantage of these new opportunities, while others perhaps more accessible regions lag behind. The AsPIRE project aimed at explaining these differences in response. 'Aspatial peripherality' is a term devised by the project team to describe a range of processes to compensate for the handicaps associated with remote locations. The report presented here was a contribution of the Institute of Spatial Planning, University of Dortmund to AsPIRE. It developed cartographic patterns of aspatial peripherality and a quantitative analysis of the linkages between different "soft" and "hard" factors of aspatial peripherality and key economic indicators.
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    Entwicklung eines integrativen Analyse- und Informationssystems für die Verkehrsplanung
    (2003-04) Gerding, Guido; Klien, Eva; Lutz, Michael; Möltgen, Jörn; Scheiner, Joachim; Schürmann, Carsten; Schwarze, Björn; Spiekermann, Klaus
    Das Ziel des VuGIS-Projekts war die Entwicklung eines GIS-basierten Analyse- und Informationssystem zur Entscheidungsunterstützung in der Verkehrsplanung. Ausgehend von den praktischen Anforderungen von Verkehrsplanern lag die Schwerpunktsetzung in der Entwicklung einer auf Metaphern basierten Benutzerschnittstelle, in der Integration von Verkehrs- und Umweltmodellen mit Geoinformationssystemen und in der Nutzbarmachung heterogen vorliegender Datenquellen. Das entwickelte VuGIS-System vereint die Funktionalitäten von Verkehrs-, Umweltsimulationsmodellen und Geoinformationssystemen und ermöglicht so die Analyse zu berücksichtigender Belange bereits in einem frühen Stadium des Planungsprozesses, sodass man sich im weiteren Verfahren auf die aussichtsreicheren Lösungen konzentrieren kann. Der vorliegende Endbericht entstand in Kooperation mit dem Institut für Geoinformatik (IfGI) der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster, dem Büro Spiekermann & Wegener Stadt- und Regionalforschung (S&W) und dem Fachgebiet Verkehrswesen und Verkehrsplanung (VPL) der Fakultät Raumplanung an der Universität Dortmund. In ihm wird das methodische Vorgehen zur Bestimmung der Anforderungen an ein integratives Analyse- und Informationssystem für die Verkehrsplanung dargelegt, die prototypische Implementierung erläutert und die Praktikabilität anhand typischer Anwendungsbeispiele beschrieben.
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    Sustainable Mobility in Cities
    (2002-09) Salomon, Ilan; Feitelson, Eran; Cohen, Galit; Moeckel, Rolf; Spiekermann, Klaus; Wegener, Michael
    The objective of the project 'Sustainable Mobility in Cities' was to advance an approach for identifying policy packages for sustainable mobility. The study combined qualitative and quantitative methodological components: In the qualitative part of the analysis, market segmentation techniques were used to identify groups and locations positively or negatively affected by transport-related policy instruments. In the quantitative part of the study, a method for developing a synthetic population as the basis for a microsimulation of urban travel demand and traffic was developed. The project was a co-operation between the Department of Geography of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Institute of Spatial Planning. The reports presents the results of the study.
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    The IASON Common Spatial Database
    (2002-08) Bröcker, Johannes; Kretschmer, Uta; Schürmann, Carsten; Spiekermann, Klaus; Stelder, Dirk; Wegener, Michael
    The goal of the project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial Economic and Network Effects of Transport Investments and Policies) of the 5th RTD Framework Programme of the European Commission is to improve the understanding of the impacts of transport policies on short- and long-term spatial development in the EU by developing a unified assessment framework for transport project and transport policies at the European level integrating network, regional economic and macroeconomic impacts. One of the tasks of IASON consists of refining two existing models of regional economic development, the SASI Model and the CGEurope Model, and carrying out scenario simulations of European transport investment, regulatory and pricing policies. The report presents the common spatial database used for the two models. The report was written in co-operation with the Institute of Regional Research of the Christian Albrechts University Kiel (IfR)
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    Methodology for the Assessment of Spatial Economic Impacts of Transport Projects and Policies
    (2002-02) Bröcker, Johannes; Kancs, Artis; Schürmann, Carsten; Wegener, Michael
    The goal of the project IASON (Integrated Appraisal of Spatial Economic and Network Effects of Transport Investments and Policies) of the 5th RTD Framework Programme of the European Commission is to improve the understanding of the impacts of transport policies on short- and long-term spatial development in the EU by developing a unified assessment framework for transport project and transport policies at the European level integrating network, regional economic and macroeconomic impacts. One of the tasks of IASON consists of refining two existing models of regional economic development, the SASI Model and the CGEurope Model, and carrying out scenario simulations of European transport investment, regulatory and pricing policies. The report presents the common spatial database used for the two models. The report was written in co-operation with the Institute of Regional Research of the Christian Albrechts University Kiel (IfR)
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    Towards a European Peripherality Index
    (2000-11) Schürmann, Carsten; Talaat, Ahmed
    Accessibility and peripherality indicators are used to measure the location performance of cities and regions. In particular after the improvements of the pan-European transport networks it becomes an important political issue to measure the success and effectiveness of these projects to identify those regions, whose accessibility is still low and who still need additional political assistance. The first part of the final report gives a short problem statement (Chapter 1) and general introduction into the theoretical concepts of accessibility and peripherality indicators (Chapter 2). Secondly, the concept of this study will be described. After that, the database established, the output indicators as such (Chapter 3) and selected relevant results of the study will be discussed (Chapter 4). Selected results were also incorporated into the recently published cohesion report of the European Commission and can be downloaded from the Inforegio Home page of the European Commission.
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    Towards a European Peripherality Index
    (2000-11) Schürmann, Carsten; Talaat, Ahmed
    Accessibility and peripherality indicators are used to measure the location performance of cities and regions. In particular after the improvements of the pan-European transport networks it becomes an important political issue to measure the success and effectiveness of these projects to identify those regions, whose accessibility is still low and who still need additional political assistance. The user manual describes the software system developed for the calculation of the indices in detail, describes the installation procedures and the usage of the software. Moreover, the database compiled will also be explained as well as cababilities for user adjustments and trouble shootings.
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    The SASI Model
    (2000-01) Fürst, Franz; Schürmann, Carsten; Spiekermann, Klaus; Wegener, Michael
    This report describes the results of demonstration scenario simulations done with the SASI model (see the other SASI reports in the SASI Home Page), i.e. the application of the model with different assumptions on TEN infrastructure investments and network imnprovements and their likely socio-economic impacts on the European regions. As a case study, the likely impacts of the Oeresund fixed link between Denmark and Sweden were examined. The report shows that the model is able to model the development of the interaction between infrastructure and regional development in the past and to provide plausible forecasts of the likely effects of future infrastructure network scenarios.
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    The SASI Model
    (2000-01) Wegener, Michael; Schürmann, Carsten; Spiekermann, Klaus
    The SASI model is a recursive simulation model of socio-economic development of 201 regions in Europe subject to exogenous assumptions about the economic and demographic development of the European Union as a whole and transport infrastructure investments and transport system improvements of the TETN (see the other SASI reports in the SASI Home Page). This report describes the software of the SASI model i.e. tools for network scenario generation, the input files, database and output files of the model, the model software itself and the programmes developed for analysing and visualising the model results.
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    The SASI Model
    (1999-12) Fürst, Franz; Hackl, Roland; Holl, Adelheid; Kramar, Hans; Schürmann, Carsten; Spiekermann, Klaus; Wegener, Michael
    The task of the SASI project was to identify the way transport infrastructure contributes to regional socio-economic development in different regional contexts. For this purpose an interactive computer simulation model for forecasting the impacts of transport infrastructure investments and transport system improvements of the trans-European transport networks on socio-economic activities in the regions of Europe was developed (see the other SASI reports in the SASI Home Page). This report describes the implementation of the SASI model, i.e. the application of empirical data to the model and the estimation of its parameters.
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    Integration of Transport and Land Use Policies
    (1999-11) Greiving, Stefan; Kemper, Raimund
    This report is a part of the results of the EU project TRANSLAND (see Berichte aus dem Institut für Raumplanung 46). The project investigated innovative approaches to the integration of land-use and transport planning in urban regions. In the report the potentials and problems of this integration in different national and regional contexts are presented under the assumption that sufficient information about the institutional framework (planning systems and planning cultures) are essential for an assessment of the transferability of promising approaches. For this purpose land-use and planning polices are classified into five policy areas: investment, planning, regulation, pricing and informal policies. Different kinds of barriers to the integration of land-use and transport planning are examined and best-practice examples of successful implementation are presented.
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    Land-Use Transport Interaction
    (1999-11) Wegener, Michael; Fürst, Franz
    This report is a part of the results of the EU project TRANSLAND (see Berichte aus dem Institut für Raumplanung 47). The project investigated innovative approaches to the integration of land-use and transport planning in urban regions. The report presents engineering, economic and social-science based theories and empirical studies to explain the interaction between land use and transport - that land use determines traffic flows and that transport infrastructure changes land-use patterns. In addition the report provides an overview of the state of the art of computer models for the simulation of land use and transport. Based on these theories and models the effectiveness of policies to influence land use and transport in urban regions is assessed.
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    Visualisierung von Eisenbahnreisezeiten
    (1999-09) Spiekermann, Klaus
    Anläßlich einer Ausstellung in Luzern zum 150jährigen Jubiläum der Schweizer Bahnen wurde das Institut für Raumplanung beauftragt, ein interaktives Computerprogramm zur Visualisierung der sich verändernden Reisezeiten im öffentlichen Verkehr zu erstellen. In diesem Bericht wird das Programm beschrieben, mit dem die Besucher der Ausstellung unterschiedliche Reisezeitenkarten für die Schweiz oder für Europa auf dem Bildschirm erzeugen können. Gewählt wird die Ausgangsstadt und das darzustellende Jahr (1870, 1910, 1970, 1997 oder 2010), und das Programm stellt in einer Isochronenkarte die kürzesten Reisezeiten zu sämtlichen Orten der Schweiz oder Europas dar.
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    Die Stadt der kurzen Wege
    (1999-01) Wegener, Michael
    Der Bericht dokumentiert Ergebnisse des von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft geförderten Forschungsprojekts 'Vergleich räumlicher Stadtstrukturen auf Sozial- und Umweltverträglichkeit'. In dem Projekt wurde ein Simulationsmodell der räumlichen Stadtentwicklung dazu verwendet, die Auswirkungen von Strategien zur Reduzierung von Energieverbrauch und CO2-Emissionen des Verkehrs in Stadtregionen abzuschätzen. Die Simulationen zeigen, daß Flächennutzungsmaßnahmen allein nur wenig zur Reduzierung der CO2-Emissionen beitragen, daß jedoch eine Kombination von Flächennutzungsmaßnahmen und Maßnahmen zur Erhöhung der Kosten der Pkw-Benutzung und zur Verbesserung der Qualität des öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs zu einer erheblichen Verringerung des Energieverbrauchs und der CO2-Emissionen des Stadtverkehrs führen - ohne unzumutbare Opfer an Mobilität, Verstärkung sozialer Disparitäten oder zusätzliche Kosten für die öffentliche Hand.
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    Leitbilder der räumlichen Stadtentwicklung im 20. Jahrhundert Wege zur Nachhaltigkeit?
    (1999-01) Fürst, Franz; Himmelbach, Ursula; Potz, Petra
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    The SASI Model
    (1998-08) Wegener, Michael; Bökemann, Dieter
    The task of the SASI project was to identify the way transport infrastructure contributes to regional socio-economic development in different regional contexts. For this purpose an interactive computer simulation model for forecasting the impacts of transport infrastructure investments and transport system improvements of the trans-European transport networks on socio-economic activities in the regions of Europe was developed (see the other SASI reports in the SASI Home Page). This report gives an overview of the structure of the SASI model, i.e. its submodels and the functional form of its model equations.