Authors: Da, Wan Ming
Fan, Hui
Guo, Bo
Li, Su Xia
Lu, Xue Chun
Zhu, Hong Li
Title: Spectral karyotyping reveals a comprehensive karyotype in an adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Language (ISO): en
Abstract: Cytogenetic abnormalities are frequently detected in patients with acute lymphoblastic leu-kemia (ALL). Comprehensive karyotype was related to poor prognosis frequently in ALL. We present a comprehensive karyotype in an adult ALL by spectral karyotyping (SKY) and R-banding. SKY not only confirmed the abnormalities previously seen by R-banding but also improved comprehensive karyotype analysis with the following result 47,XY,+9, ins(1;5)(q23;q23q34) t(6;7)(q23;p13). Our report demonstrated that SKY is able to provide more information accurately for prediction of disease prognosis in adult ALL with compre-hensive karyotype.
Subject Headings: acute lymphoblastic leukemia
comprehensive karyotype
Issue Date: 2012-09-19
Appears in Collections:Case Reports

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