Autor(en): Mrózek, Ondřej
Gernert, Markus
Belyaev, Andrey
Mitra, Mousree
Janiak, Lars
Marian, Christel M.
Steffen, Andreas
Titel: Ultra‐long lived luminescent triplet excited states in cyclic (alkyl)(amino)carbene complexes of Zn(II) halides
Sprache (ISO): en
Zusammenfassung: The high element abundance and d10 electron configuration make ZnII-based compounds attractive candidates for the development of novel photoactive molecules. Although a large library of purely fluorescent compounds exists, emission involving triplet excited states is a rare phenomenon for zinc complexes. We have investigated the photophysical and -chemical properties of a series of dimeric and monomeric ZnII halide complexes bearing a cyclic (alkyl)(amino)carbene (cAAC) as chromophore unit. Specifically, [(cAAC)XZn(μ-X)2ZnX(cAAC)] (X=Cl (1), Br (2), I (3)) and [ZnX2(cAAC)(NCMe)] (X=Br (4), I (5)) were isolated and fully characterized, showing intense visible light photoluminescence under UV irradiation at 297 K and fast photo-induced transformation. At 77 K, the compounds exhibit improved stability allowing to record ultra-long lifetimes in the millisecond regime. DFT/MRCI calculations confirm that the emission stems from 3XCT/LEcAAC states and indicate the phototransformation to be related to asymmetric distortion of the complexes by cAAC ligand rotation. This study enhances our understanding of the excited state properties for future development and application of new classes of ZnII phosphorescent complexes.
Schlagwörter: Carbenes
Erscheinungsdatum: 2022-05-18
Rechte (Link):
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Lehrstühle für Anorganische Chemie

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