Authors: Bergold, Sebastian
Steinmayr, Ricarda
Title: The interplay between investment traits and cognitive abilities: investigating reciprocal effects in elementary school age
Language (ISO): en
Abstract: Based on investment theories and guided by Mussel's (2013) intellect model, the present study investigated reciprocal relations over 1 year (2021–2022) between investment traits (need for cognition, achievement motives, epistemic curiosity) and fluid and crystallized cognitive abilities in 565 German elementary school children (298 girls; Mage = 8.40, SD = 0.59; 59.5% with immigration background). Children's fluid and crystallized abilities increased over time, whereas fear of failure and curiosity decreased. Investment traits barely predicted change in cognitive abilities. However, mathematical ability predicted change in most investment traits (.14 ≤ |β| ≤ .20), even after accounting for control variables. Results largely contradict investment theories but support the role of crystallized abilities for the development of investment traits in elementary school age.
Subject Headings (RSWK): Kognitive Kompetenz
Issue Date: 2023-10-24
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Appears in Collections:Lehrbereich für Pädagogische und Differentielle Psychologie

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