Industriepolitik und industrielle Beziehungen in Baden-Württemberg
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Lucius & Lucius Verlagsgesellschaft
Angesichts veränderter Handlungsanforderungen entstanden durch tiefgreifende Organisationsreformen auf betrieblicher Ebene, verschärfte Wettbewerbsbedingungen und die nachlassende Bindungskraft des Tarifsystems versuchen die überbetrieblichen Akteure der industriellen Beziehungen, ihren Aktionsradius zu erweitern. Empirisch fassbare Initiativen jenseits der traditionellen tarifpolitischen Handlungsfelder finden sich vor allem im Bereich der Industriepolitik. Hier bildet sich komplementär zur Betriebs- und Tarifpolitik ein neues Arbeitsfeld heraus, das im Rahmen der Analyse von Veränderungen im System der industriellen Beziehungen zu berücksichtigen ist, da es auch hier um die Definition von Arbeitsbedingungen und Arbeitsregelungen geht. Diese Entwicklung wird am Beispiel der industriellen Beziehungen in Baden-Württemberg vorgestellt.
In the face of changing action demands, emerging through profound organisational reforms on the company level, increasing economic competition and the deteriorating strength of the collective bargaining system, trade unions and employer/business organisations are anxious to define and engage in new fields of action. Concrete empirical initiatives of these actors can be found in the area of industrial policy. In this area a new field of work is being developed that is to be taken into account in the analysis of changes in the system of industrial relations since the definition of work conditions and work rules also takes place on this level. This development is being discussed in context of the example of the industrial relations system in Baden-Württemberg.
In the face of changing action demands, emerging through profound organisational reforms on the company level, increasing economic competition and the deteriorating strength of the collective bargaining system, trade unions and employer/business organisations are anxious to define and engage in new fields of action. Concrete empirical initiatives of these actors can be found in the area of industrial policy. In this area a new field of work is being developed that is to be taken into account in the analysis of changes in the system of industrial relations since the definition of work conditions and work rules also takes place on this level. This development is being discussed in context of the example of the industrial relations system in Baden-Württemberg.
Table of contents
Baden-Württemberg, industrial relations, industrial policy, trade unions