Transfer über F&E-Orte
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Westdeutscher Verlag
Welchen Beitrag im Wissens- und Technologietransfer können Akteure und Einrichtungen aus dem Hochschulbereich verwirklichen, wenn sie mit industriellen Partnern zusammenarbeiten? Diese Frage steht im Zentrum der folgenden Ausführungen, die auf einer einjährigen empirischen Pilotstudie fußen. In der Studie werden qualitative Methoden genutzt, um den Transferbeitrag kombitechnologisch orientierter Forschungs- und Entwicklungseinrichtungen (F&E) aus dem Hochschulbereich auf einer organisationalen Ebene zu beleuchten. Die untersuchten Orte legen es nahe, einerseits mithilfe von Invention/Innovation und andererseits von Interaktion/Organisation voneinander unterschieden zu werden. Auf der Basis dieser Differenzpaare läßt sich anschließend eine (Ideal-)Typologie von vier Ortsprofilen entwickeln, die als Untersuchungs- und Erklärungskonzept dient. Das Typologiekonzept wird abschließend genutzt, um die Transferpotentiale und -leistungen der unterschiedlichen F&E-Orte trennscharf herauszuarbeiten.
What contribution can human and material resources in the universities make to the transfer of knowledge and technology in partnership with industry? This is the central question in the following discourse, which is based on a one-year empirical pilot study. In this investigation, qualitative methods are used to illuminate, on an organizational level, the transfer contribution of research and development facilities (R&D) in those universities which are oriented towards combined-technologies. The locales under examination lend themselves to a distinction being made on the one hand with the help of the differentiation "invention/innovation", and "interaction/organization" on the other hand. On the basis of this differential pairing it will be possible to develop an (ideal) typology of four locales, which can serve as objects of examination and explanation. Finally, the typological concept will be used to make a clear distinction between the transfer potential and achievement of the various R&D locales.
What contribution can human and material resources in the universities make to the transfer of knowledge and technology in partnership with industry? This is the central question in the following discourse, which is based on a one-year empirical pilot study. In this investigation, qualitative methods are used to illuminate, on an organizational level, the transfer contribution of research and development facilities (R&D) in those universities which are oriented towards combined-technologies. The locales under examination lend themselves to a distinction being made on the one hand with the help of the differentiation "invention/innovation", and "interaction/organization" on the other hand. On the basis of this differential pairing it will be possible to develop an (ideal) typology of four locales, which can serve as objects of examination and explanation. Finally, the typological concept will be used to make a clear distinction between the transfer potential and achievement of the various R&D locales.
Table of contents
academic research and development, ideal typology, technology transfer