Arbeit, Nachhaltigkeit und Beschäftigung
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Lucius & Lucius Verlagsgesellschaft
Die Analyse der Zusammenhänge von nachhaltigem Wirtschaften einerseits und Wachstum, Beschäftigung und Strukturwandel andererseits steht im Mittelpunkt. Anhand jüngst publizierten makroökonomischen Szenarien sowie einem mesoökonomischen Beispiel aus dem Wohnungsbau werden die Wachstums- und Beschäftigungswirkungen ökologisch orientierten Interventionismus auch quantitativ umrissen. Die Integration der Nachhaltigkeitspolitik in den langfristigen Strukturwandel bietet die Möglichkeit, der säkularen Wachstumsabschwächung zumindest temporär entgegen zu wirken.
The interdependence of sustainability, growth, employment and structural change in the long run are discussed and a quantification of growth- and employment-effect is given by recently published analyses of "economic-social" and "ecological-economic" strategies as well as by a mesoeconomic study concerning ecologically structured investment in the residence construction industry. The integration of environmental protection and long run structural change could revive economic growth and counteract the stagnative trend respectively.
The interdependence of sustainability, growth, employment and structural change in the long run are discussed and a quantification of growth- and employment-effect is given by recently published analyses of "economic-social" and "ecological-economic" strategies as well as by a mesoeconomic study concerning ecologically structured investment in the residence construction industry. The integration of environmental protection and long run structural change could revive economic growth and counteract the stagnative trend respectively.
Table of contents
employment, structural change, sustainability, work