Die Pendlerdatei
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Das vorliegende Arbeitspapier beschreibt „die Pendlerdatei“, die am Fachgebiet
Verkehrswesen und Verkehrsplanung im Zuge dreijähriger Projektarbeit entstanden ist. Die Datei dient
der Rekonstruktion des über- und innergemeindlichen Pendelgeschehens über eine Spanne von knapp
vier Dekaden und ist einzigartig in ihrer Detaillierung und Vollständigkeit. Das Arbeitspapier bietet methodische
und technische Hintergrundinformationen, die für ihre sachgemäße Handhabung erforderlich
The paper describes „die Pendlerdatei” („commuter flow file”), which was compiled at the Department of Transport Planning over three years as part of the research project „Spatial accessibility and the dynamics of commuting in Germany and Switzerland, 1970-2005“. The collected data contain information about the spatial development of commuting between and within municipalities over a period of almost four decades (1970-2007), and they are unique in terms of their richness and completeness. The working paper provides methodological and technical background information, which is necessary for an appropriate application of the data.
The paper describes „die Pendlerdatei” („commuter flow file”), which was compiled at the Department of Transport Planning over three years as part of the research project „Spatial accessibility and the dynamics of commuting in Germany and Switzerland, 1970-2005“. The collected data contain information about the spatial development of commuting between and within municipalities over a period of almost four decades (1970-2007), and they are unique in terms of their richness and completeness. The working paper provides methodological and technical background information, which is necessary for an appropriate application of the data.