Wie stellen Zentren für LehrerInnenbildung an Universitäten Ergebnisse aus Evaluationsaktivitäten auf ihrer Vorder- und Hinterbühne dar?
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Die vorliegende Ethnografie untersucht, wie Zentren für LehrerInnenbildung (ZfL) an Universitäten in Nordrhein-Westfalen Ergebnisse aus Evaluationsaktivitäten unterschiedlichen Publikumsgruppen auf unterschiedlichen Organisationsbühnen inszenieren. Die Untersuchung erfolgt am Fall des Programms ‚Praxissemester‘ im Lehramtsstudium. Dabei versucht die vorliegende Arbeit zu rekonstruieren, welches Problemlösungshandeln für die Akteure als rational gilt und welche Strategien verwendet werden. Mit Rekurs auf Erving Goffman wird versucht, die Relation von Vorder- und Hinterbühne der Organisation zu explorieren.
Methodisch greift die Untersuchung mittels Grounded Theory auf online-positionierte Evaluationsberichte sowie soziale Situationen vor einem außeruniversitären Stakeholder-Publikum des Lehramts zu. Ebenso wird der Frage nachgegangen, wie organisationsinterne Anforderungen an Zentren mit den Eigen- bzw. Stakeholderinteressen strategisch in Einklang gebracht werden. Hierbei lassen sich vier aufgefundene Problemlösungsstrategien rekonstruieren, die auf Interviewmaterial mit EvaluatorInnen von universitären Zentren in NRW basieren.
Das Ergebnis verweist darauf, dass die untersuchten Teilorganisationen der Hochschule ein typisches Problemlösungshandeln vornehmen, welches im Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Dienstleistung und Wissenschaft angesiedelt ist. Es zeigt sich dabei auch, dass die Problemlösungen hauptsächlich wissenschaftszentriert erfolgen. Die Untersuchung kommt zu folgendem Ergebnis: Je mehr unterschiedliche Bühnen-Anforderungen organisatorisch bedient werden müssen, umso stärker weichen die Zentren vom Idealtypus einer Evaluation ab – verstanden als bewertendes Verfahren. Anstelle dessen treten anforderungsspezifische Darstellungsformate, die versuchen, Legitimität zu erzeugen. Dadurch sollen vorhandene Kopplungsprobleme der beteiligten Programmakteure durch Kooperationsversuche behoben werden.
This ethnography examines how centers for teacher education (ZfL) at universities in North Rhine-Westphalia stage results from evaluation activities to different audiences on different organizational stages. The investigation is based on the case of the program 'Praxissemester' (“Internship Semester”) in teacher education. In doing so, this study attempts to reconstruct which problem-solving actions are considered rational for the actors and which strategies are used. With reference to Erving Goffman, an attempt is made to explore the relation between the front and back stage of the organization. Methodologically, the study uses Grounded Theory to access online-positioned evaluation reports as well as social situations in front of a non-university stakeholder audience of the teaching profession. Likewise, the question is investigated how internal organizational requirements for centers are strategically reconciled with their own or stakeholders' interests. Four problem-solving strategies can be reconstructed, which are based on interview material with evaluators of university centers in NRW. The result points to the fact that the examined suborganizations of the university carry out a typical problem-solving action, which is located in the tension between service and science. It also shows that problem solving is mainly science-centered. The investigation comes to the result that the more different stage requirements must be served organizationally, the more strongly the centers deviate from the ideal type of an evaluation - understood as judgmental process. Instead, requirement-specific presentation formats are used, which attempt to generate legitimacy. In this way, existing coupling problems of the program actors involved are to be remedied by attempts at cooperation.
This ethnography examines how centers for teacher education (ZfL) at universities in North Rhine-Westphalia stage results from evaluation activities to different audiences on different organizational stages. The investigation is based on the case of the program 'Praxissemester' (“Internship Semester”) in teacher education. In doing so, this study attempts to reconstruct which problem-solving actions are considered rational for the actors and which strategies are used. With reference to Erving Goffman, an attempt is made to explore the relation between the front and back stage of the organization. Methodologically, the study uses Grounded Theory to access online-positioned evaluation reports as well as social situations in front of a non-university stakeholder audience of the teaching profession. Likewise, the question is investigated how internal organizational requirements for centers are strategically reconciled with their own or stakeholders' interests. Four problem-solving strategies can be reconstructed, which are based on interview material with evaluators of university centers in NRW. The result points to the fact that the examined suborganizations of the university carry out a typical problem-solving action, which is located in the tension between service and science. It also shows that problem solving is mainly science-centered. The investigation comes to the result that the more different stage requirements must be served organizationally, the more strongly the centers deviate from the ideal type of an evaluation - understood as judgmental process. Instead, requirement-specific presentation formats are used, which attempt to generate legitimacy. In this way, existing coupling problems of the program actors involved are to be remedied by attempts at cooperation.
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Inszenierung, Evaluation, Praxissemester NRW, Organisations-Ethnografie, Zentrum für Lehrerbildung, Universität Problemlösungsstrategie, Wissenschaft und Dienstleistung, Lehramtsstudium