Zur Untersuchung von Arbeits- und Interaktionsprozessen anhand von Videoaufzeichnungen
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Westdeutscher Verlag
Audiovisuelle Medien und Darstellungsformen nehmen in unserem (Arbeits-)Alltag einen größer werdenden Raum ein. Die Möglichkeiten und Implikationen des Einsatzes von audiovisuellen Aufzeichnungen in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung sind aber bislang vernachlässigt worden. Dabei stoßen etablierte Forschungsstrategien an Grenzen, wenn es um die Beschreibung und Analyse flüchtiger Arbeits- und Interaktionsprozesse geht. Ein alternatives Vorgehen besteht darin, audiovisuelle Dokumentationen zum Ausgangspunkt zu machen. Dies muß mit einer Analysestrategie verbunden werden, deren Kategorien auf dem aufbauen, was für die Beteiligten selbst von handlungsleitender Relevanz ist. Allerdings stellen sich bei einem solchen Vorgehen methodische Fragen und technische Schwierigkeiten. Der vorliegende Beitrag behandelt diese Fragen und zeigt anhand von zwei Fallstudien zu Telekooperation Lösungen für technische Probleme auf.
Audiovisual media and productions play an increasingly important role in our daily life. Nevertheless, the opportunities and implications involved in making audiovisual records the basis of social scientific research have so far been largely ignored. Established forms of data and research fall short whenever the aim is to describe and analyze ephemeral processes of association - be they work related or not. In this paper, a research strategy based on audiovisual records is argued for. This replaces post-facto reconstructions with in video documentation and thus opens up new ways of analysis. It is proposed that this approach has to be combined with an analytic strategy whose categories are based on whatever is relevant to the participants involved in the interactions themselves. Pursuing such a strategy, however, new issues relating to methods and technical realization emerge that have to be dealt with. These issues are discussed and described by reporting on two case studies of telecooperation solutions for the more technical problems.
Audiovisual media and productions play an increasingly important role in our daily life. Nevertheless, the opportunities and implications involved in making audiovisual records the basis of social scientific research have so far been largely ignored. Established forms of data and research fall short whenever the aim is to describe and analyze ephemeral processes of association - be they work related or not. In this paper, a research strategy based on audiovisual records is argued for. This replaces post-facto reconstructions with in video documentation and thus opens up new ways of analysis. It is proposed that this approach has to be combined with an analytic strategy whose categories are based on whatever is relevant to the participants involved in the interactions themselves. Pursuing such a strategy, however, new issues relating to methods and technical realization emerge that have to be dealt with. These issues are discussed and described by reporting on two case studies of telecooperation solutions for the more technical problems.