Arbeitsgruppe Apparatedesign : [29]

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 29 of 29
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-04-30Entwurf und Betrieb eines Rohrreaktors mit enger VerweilzeitverteilungKockmann, Norbert
2020-11-01Micro‐computed tomography for the 3D time‐resolved investigation of monodisperse droplet generation in a co‐flow setupSchuler, Julia; Neuendorf, Laura Maria; Petersen, Kai; Kockmann, Norbert
2020-11-11Der Schnellstart in die digitale Lehre unter Corona‐RandbedingungenKockmann, Norbert
2021-01-21Efficient short-cut method for determining the process window in stirred-pulsed extraction columnsSchmalenberg, Mira; Frede, Timothy Aljoscha; Mathias, Christopher; Kockmann, Norbert
2021-03-15Software-guided microscale flow calorimeter for efficient acquisition of thermokinetic dataFrede, Timothy Aljoscha; Dietz, Marlene; Kockmann, Norbert
2021-03-24Nucleation in continuous flow cooling sonocrystallization for coiled capillary crystallizersSchmalenberg, Mira; Weick, Lena K.; Kockmann, Norbert
2019-12-14Micro-computed tomography for the investigation of stationary liquid/liquid and liquid/gas interfaces in capillariesSchuler, Julia; Kockmann, Norbert
2020-01-09Design and hydrodynamic characterization of a draft tube baffle tank for lab-scaleSchmalenberg, Mira; Nocon, Anna-Katharina; Kockmann, Norbert
2017-10-12Energy optimization of gas–liquid dispersion in micronozzles assisted by design of experimentReichmann, Felix; Varel, Fabian; Kockmann, Norbert
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 29 of 29