Generationsübergreifende Mobilitätsbiografien - Dokumentation der Datengrundlage
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In den vergangenen Jahren hat sich in der Verkehrsforschung der mobilitätsbiografische
Ansatz etabliert. Dieser untersucht die Stabilität und Veränderung des Verkehrshandelns von Personen im Kontext
von deren Lebensläufen und den damit assoziierten Schlüsselereignissen, Lern- und Alterungsprozessen. An
der Technischen Universität Dortmund wird seit 2007 in jedem Studierendenjahrgang der Raumplanung eine
Befragung durchgeführt. Dabei werden wesentliche Elemente der Mobilitätsbiografie der Studierenden sowie ihrer
Eltern und Großeltern erfasst. Die Daten erlauben eine Vielzahl von Analysen, etwa Vergleiche zwischen den drei
Generationen (Kohorteneffekte), den Einfluss von Eltern auf ihre Kinder (Sozialisationseffekte) oder den Einfluss
von Schlüsselereignissen der Haushalts-, Familien-, Erwerbs- und Wohnbiografie (Lebenslaufeffekte) auf das
Verkehrshandeln. Die Analysen erfolgen im Rahmen des DFG-Projekts "Mobility Biographies: A Life-Course
Approach to Travel Behaviour and Residential Choice". Das vorliegende Arbeitspapier dokumentiert die Datenerhebung,
Dateneingabe und Struktur des Datensatzes.
In recent years the mobility biography approach has been established in transport research. This approach studies the stability and variability in travel behaviour in the context of individuals' life courses and the key events, learning and ageing processes associated with the life course. A questionnaire survey is undertaken among students in spatial planning at Dortmund University of Technology in every study term since 2007. Information is recorded on basic elements of the students' as well as their parents' and grandparents' mobility biographies. The data permit a large variety of analyses, including comparisons between the three generations (cohort effects), the impact of parents on their children (socialisation effects), and the impact of key events in the household, family, employment and residential biography (life course effects) on travel behaviour. In-depth data analysis is undertaken in the DFG-funded project "Mobility Biographies: A Life-Course Approach to Travel Behaviour and Residential Choice". The working paper documents the survey, data entry, and the structure of the data.
In recent years the mobility biography approach has been established in transport research. This approach studies the stability and variability in travel behaviour in the context of individuals' life courses and the key events, learning and ageing processes associated with the life course. A questionnaire survey is undertaken among students in spatial planning at Dortmund University of Technology in every study term since 2007. Information is recorded on basic elements of the students' as well as their parents' and grandparents' mobility biographies. The data permit a large variety of analyses, including comparisons between the three generations (cohort effects), the impact of parents on their children (socialisation effects), and the impact of key events in the household, family, employment and residential biography (life course effects) on travel behaviour. In-depth data analysis is undertaken in the DFG-funded project "Mobility Biographies: A Life-Course Approach to Travel Behaviour and Residential Choice". The working paper documents the survey, data entry, and the structure of the data.