2021 - Volume 20
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- J. G. Hengstler
Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors
Ardeystr. 67
D-44139 Dortmund
Editorial Board
- B. C. Behera, Pune, India
- T. Chen, Stanford, CA/USA
- E. Corsini, Milan, Italy
- P. Diel, Cologne, Germany
- C. Esser, Duesseldorf, Germany
- P. B. Farmer, Leicester/UK
- S. Hammad, South Valley/Egypt
- P. Jennings, Innsbruck, Austria
- M. Lotti, Bonn, Germany / Padova, Italy
- P. Micke, Uppsala, Sweden
- A. N. Misra, Ranchi, Jharkhand State, India
- B. Ponugoti, Pennsylvania, PA/USA
- C. Pope, Stillwater, OK/USA
- K. Renganathan, Johnstown, PA/USA
- S. D. Ray, Fort Wayne, IN/USA
- M. Schwarz, Tuebingen, Germany
- J. Timmer, Freiburg, Germany
- H. van Steeg, Bilthoven, The Netherlands
- A. Winterpacht, Erlangen, Germany
- Y. Zhou, New Haven, CT/USA
Address & Contact:
Susanne LindemannManaging editor/EXCLI Journal
Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors
Ardeystraße 67
D-44139 Dortmund
Fon +49 231 1084 251