Institut für Schulentwicklungsforschung : [83]

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 83
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Civic Literacy im JugendalterMcElvany, Nele; Alscher, Pascal; Köller, Olaf
2023-05-23Effects of test mode and medium on elementary school students’ test experienceBrüggemann, Thomas; Ludewig, Ulrich; Lorenz, Ramona; McElvany, Nele
2023-04-06The features of plausible but incorrect options: distractor plausibility in synonym-based vocabulary testsLudewig, Ulrich; Schwerter, Jakob; McElvany, Nele
2023Lehrkräfte im Wirkungsfeld der Schulautonomie: motivational-affektive Variablen der individuellen Lehrkraft als Determinanten für die Qualität von EinzelschulenHoltappels, Heinz Günter; Klute, Karsten; Rollett, Wolfram
2022-12Abschlussbericht für das DFG-Projekt „Effekte und Moderatoren von Stereotype Threat in Wortschatz-Lernsituationen von türkischstämmigen Schülerinnen und Schülern an Grund- und weiterführenden Schulen“McElvany, Nele; Hannover, Bettina; Zander, Lysann
2023Bedeutung unterschiedlicher Formen des Commitments und der Kooperation von Lehrkräften für schulische Entwicklungsprozesse – empirische Analysen an Schulen in herausfordernden LagenHoltappels, Heinz Günter; Webs, Tanja; Bos, Wilfried
2023-01-04The longitudinal development of students' well-being in adolescence: the role of perceived teacher autonomy supportKleinkorres, Ruben; Stang-Rabrig, Justine; McElvany, Nele
2023-08-31Differences in instructional quality during the Covid-19 pandemic between Oman and Germany and the role of teacher competencesOhle-Peters, Annika; Shahat, Mohamed A.
2023Studying educational inequality: effects of school differentiation on multiple inequalities and school segregationStrietholt, Rolf; Strello Toledo, Andrés Ignacio; Steinmann, Isa
2023Students’ well-being in the late elementary and early secondary school years: investigation of conditional factors using large-scale assessment studiesMcElvany, Nele; Kleinkorres, Ruben; Lauermann, Fani
2022-12-08Vocabulary, text coverage, word frequency and the lexical threshold in elementary school reading comprehensionLudewig, Ulrich; Hübner, Nicolas; Schroeder, Sascha
2022-08-01What makes domain knowledge difficult? Word usage frequency from SUBTLEX and dlexDB explains knowledge item difficultyLudewig, Ulrich; Alscher, Pascal; Chen, Xiaobin; McElvany, Nele
2022-11-16Understanding the interplay between targeted motivation interventions and motivational teaching practices in mathematics classroomsGaspard, Hanna; Parrisius, Cora; Nagengast, Benjamin; Trautwein, Ulrich
2022-09-29Adolescents’ implicit attitudes towards people with immigrant background: differences and correlatesKönig, Sabrina; Stang-Rabrig, Justine; McElvany, Nele
2022-06-14Is the relation between family background and obtaining an Abitur mediated by malleable motivational variables?Molitor, Katharina; Fabian, Paul; Thums, Kathrin; McElvany, Nele
2022-06-03The most salient global predictors of adolescents’ subjective well-being: parental support, peer support, and anxietyWu, Yi-Jhen; Lee, Jihyun
2022-06-01Civic education, teaching quality and students’ willingness to participate in political and civic life: political interest and knowledge as mediatorsAlscher, Pascal; Ludewig, Ulrich; McElvany, Nele
2022-07-19College Students’ motivational beliefs and use of goal-oriented control strategies: Integrating two theories of motivated behaviorKeyserlingk, Luise von; Rubach, Charlott; Lee, Hye Rin; Eccles, Jacquelynne S.; Heckhausen, Jutta
2022-05-17E-learning with multiple-try-feedback: can hints foster students’ achievement during the semester?Schwerter, Jakob; Wortha, Franz; Gerjets, Peter
2022-05-06Heterogenität in motivationalen Entwicklungsverläufen in Mathematik und Deutsch in Abhängigkeit von Schulform und GeschlechtGaspard, Hanna; Nagengast, Benjamin; Trautwein, Ulrich; Jaekel, Ann-Kathrin; Göllner, Richard
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 83