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    The importance of perceived quality of instruction, achievement motivation and difficulties in self-regulation for students who drop out of university
    (2023-02-13) Wild, Steffen; Grassinger, Robert
    Background: Starting a study programme at an university, students are confronted with rising requirements regulating their learning processes and motivation. Both difficulties due to this regulation and the quality of instruction are associated with students dropping out from a study programme in the research. Aims: The purpose of this research is to analyse the interplay and effect of difficulties in self-regulated learning, achievement motivation (i.e. academic self-concept, subject interest), and perceived quality of instruction in dropping out from an university study programme. Sample: We sampled 2301 cooperative students in their first academic year. The average age was M = 22.12 (SD = 3.02), and 1167 were male (50.7%). Method: This cross-sectional study used structural equation models for hypothesis analysis. Three years after the survey, dropout information from the university administration was matched to the survey data. Results: The results indicate associations between academic self-concept, subject interest and difficulties in regulating one's motivation with dropout. An indirect effect was found between perceived quality of instruction and dropout via academic self-concept, subject interest and difficulties in regulating one's motivation. Conclusions: The relevance of perceived quality of instruction, self-concept, subject interest and difficulties in motivational regulation and consequences for dropout is illustrated.
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    Factors mitigating the decline of motivation during the first academic year: a latent change score analysis
    (2023-12-08) Wild, Steffen; Rahn, Sebastian; Meyer, Thomas
    Research shows that in university education programs, students’ motivation decreases over time, which is associated with indicators of reduced academic success, such as student dropout rate. Consequently, researchers have analyzed motivation change and explored the options available to universities to maintain a high level of motivation among students. Using Person-environment fit theory, our research suggests that perceived support offered by lecturers and instructional quality influence students’ subject interest. We conducted a longitudinal design of 823 participants from Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University and estimated a latent change score model using data collected between the participants’ first and second academic years. Our findings suggest that perceived support from lecturers mitigated the decrease in subject interest. Moreover, our results support the hypothesis that universities can attenuate the decreasing change of subject interest from students. Our findings are contextualized with reference to contemporary research in the field and we offer practical suggestions for maintaining high motivation among students.
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    A didactic illustration of writing skill growth through a longitudinal diagnostic classification model
    (2025-01-15) Ravand, Hamdollah; Effatpanah, Farshad; Kunina-Habenicht, Olga; Madison, Matthew J.
    Introduction: Diagnostic classification models (DCMs) have received increasing attention in cross-sectional studies. However, L2 learning studies, tracking skill development over time, require models suited for longitudinal analyses. Growth DCMs offer a promising framework for such analyses. Method: This study utilizes writing data from two learner groups: one receiving peer feedback (n = 100) and the other receiving no feedback (n = 100), assessed at three time points. It demonstrates the application of longitudinal DCM via the TDCM package to analyze growth trajectories in four writing subskills: Content, Organization, Grammar, and Vocabulary. The primary focus is on showcasing the package, but substantive findings can also be helpful. Results: The multi-group analysis revealed similar V-shaped growth trajectories for Grammar and Vocabulary, along with consistent inverted V-shaped patterns for Organization and Content in both groups. Discussion: The results showed minor differences between the two groups, potentially indicating the limited impact of peer feedback on L2 writing development. This could be attributed to the social dynamics between peers.
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    Shedding light on the shortness of sight
    (2024) Hönekopp, Astrid; Weigelt, Sarah; Gerken, Jens
    The global rise in myopia prevalence sets off certain alarm bells, as myopia not only imposes a substantial economic and financial burden on affected individuals and the public, but can also entail further negative consequences, such as secondary pathologies as well as reduced quality of life and educational outcomes. The development of the most common type of myopia is connected to both school age as a critical period and bright light exposure as a key protective factor. Accordingly, timely public health interventions need up-to-date information on myopia prevalence and its associations, as well as the relationship with bright light exposure, which is often investigated with wearable light meters. This dissertation addresses in six studies three main research objectives to fill crucial gaps in myopia research: (1) providing up-to-date myopia prevalence data for German youth, (2) evaluating the utility of online questionnaires in epidemiological research, and (3) advancing methodological understanding of light meter use in myopia research. In Study 1, refractive measurements of > 1,500 school students in Germany revealed a myopia prevalence of 8.4% in primary school students (mean age 9.30 years) and 19.5% in secondary school students (mean age 14.99 years) as well as a large proportion of uncorrected myopia (51.2% and 43.3%, respectively). Study 2 evaluated five recruitment strategies for an online parent questionnaire on children’s spectacle ownership, identifying varying (dis)advantages per strategy related to aspects such as representativeness, efficiency and costs. Study 3 analyzed the questionnaire data from > 1,700 children, demonstrating discrepancies in prevalence rates of corrected myopia compared to direct measurements, thereby indicating biases in the questionnaire data. A comprehensive literature review in Study 4 examined the use of various wearable light meters in myopia research, revealing significant variability in device specifications and research methodologies, which likely contributes to inconsistent findings in the field. Study 5 directly compared the performance of multiple light meters worn simultaneously, showing similar light exposure patterns but substantial differences in absolute lux values and in the frequently investigated distinction of indoor and outdoor environments. Study 6 explored the development of a custom-made light meter, concluding that while feasible, commercial devices may be more practical for most research needs. This dissertation’s findings highlight the necessity for continuous monitoring of myopia prevalence, especially uncorrected myopia, and emphasize the importance of methodological rigor in research on light exposure and myopia. Recommendations include routine refractive screenings in schools and careful consideration of light meter selection and methodology in future studies on light-myopia associations. These insights address both future research efforts as well as public health strategies aiming at myopia.
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    The relevance of basic psychological needs and subject interest as explanatory variables for student dropout in higher education - a German case study using the example of a cooperative education program
    (2023-01-04) Wild, Steffen; Rahn, Sebastian; Meyer, Thomas
    Student dropout in higher education is a challenge for higher education systems. In recent years, there has been an increasing focus on analyzing motivational aspects in order to counteract dropout. However, the detailed impact mechanisms and processes of motivation on dropout have not been sufficiently researched. For example, there is very little research analyzing the preconditions of motivation and their influence on motivation as well as their eventual influence on dropout. From the background of self-determination theory and the person-object theory of interest, this study analyzes the effects of satisfying the three basic psychological needs on dropout via subject interest. We use data from a cross-sectional design with N = 2662 cooperative students in their first academic year. Our analysis identifies a direct effect of relatedness and subject interest on dropout. Furthermore, indirect effects of satisfying basic psychological needs, specifically, autonomy and relatedness, on dropout via subject interest are noted. We evaluate our results in the context of the current state of research and discuss implications.
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    A mixed Rasch model analysis of multiple profiles in L2 writing
    (2023-12-15) Effatpanah, Farshad; Baghaei, Purya; Karimi, Mohammad N.
    The present study used the Mixed Rasch Model (MRM) to identify multiple profiles in L2 students’ writing with regard to several linguistic features, including content, organization, grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics. To this end, a pool of 500 essays written by English as a foreign language (EFL) students were rated by four experienced EFL teachers using the Empirically-derived Descriptor-based Diagnostic (EDD) checklist. The ratings were subjected to MRM analysis. Two distinct profiles of L2 writers emerged from the sample analyzed including: (a) Sentence-Oriented and (b) Paragraph-Oriented L2 Writers. Sentence-Oriented L2 Writers tend to focus more on linguistic features, such as grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics, at the sentence level and try to utilize these subskills to generate a written text. However, Paragraph-Oriented Writers are inclined to move beyond the boundaries of a sentence and attend to the structure of a whole paragraph using higher-order features such as content and organization subskills. The two profiles were further examined to capture their unique features. Finally, the theoretical and pedagogical implications of the identification of L2 writing profiles and suggestions for further research are discussed.
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    Exploring the role of identity in pro-environmental behavior: cultural and educational influences on younger generations
    (2024-10-09) Wild , Steffen; Schulze Heuling, Lydia
    It is of paramount importance to gain an understanding of pro-environmental behavior if we are to successfully tackle the climate crisis. The existing body of research provides evidence that identity influences pro-environmental behavior. However, such research is often over-generalised and researchers are challenged to conduct robust analyses with regard to specific local, cultural and educational factors. The present study aims to investigate whether personal or social identity has a distinct effect on three different dimensions of pro-environmental behavior, using the principles of self-categorisation theory. Additionally, the study seeks to determine whether one of these two factors, the individual or the social factor, is predominant over the other. The study group consisted of cooperative students in Germany, typically a group with high professional ambitions. The data was collected in a cross-sectional survey with a total of 568 cooperative students from academic disciplines in engineering and economics. The reliability of the scales is satisfactory (ω = 0.76–0.88), and the hypotheses are tested by estimating structural equation models. Our research demonstrates that while social identity exerts a stronger influence on activist behavior than personal identity, personal identity has a more pronounced effect on consumer behavior than social identity. Nevertheless, no general statement can be made regarding the relative strength of the effects of personal and social identity on pro-environmental behavior dimensions.
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    Exploring a GPT-based large language model for variable autonomy in a VR-based human-robot teaming simulation
    (2024-04-03) Lakhnati, Younes; Pascher, Max; Gerken, Jens
    In a rapidly evolving digital landscape autonomous tools and robots are becoming commonplace. Recognizing the significance of this development, this paper explores the integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) like Generative pre-trained transformer (GPT) into human-robot teaming environments to facilitate variable autonomy through the means of verbal human-robot communication. In this paper, we introduce a novel simulation framework for such a GPT-powered multi-robot testbed environment, based on a Unity Virtual Reality (VR) setting. This system allows users to interact with simulated robot agents through natural language, each powered by individual GPT cores. By means of OpenAI’s function calling, we bridge the gap between unstructured natural language input and structured robot actions. A user study with 12 participants explores the effectiveness of GPT-4 and, more importantly, user strategies when being given the opportunity to converse in natural language within a simulated multi-robot environment. Our findings suggest that users may have preconceived expectations on how to converse with robots and seldom try to explore the actual language and cognitive capabilities of their simulated robot collaborators. Still, those users who did explore were able to benefit from a much more natural flow of communication and human-like back-and-forth. We provide a set of lessons learned for future research and technical implementations of similar systems.
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    Analyzing the associations between motivation and academic performance via the mediator variables of specific mathematic cognitive learning strategies in different subject domains of higher education
    (2023-05-12) Wild, Steffen; Neef, Christoph
    Background: There are different teaching methods and learning content in the academic field of mathematics between school and university. Many students fail in their studies when the proportion of mathematics is high. Additionally, dropout rates, due to mathematical performance, are high. However, there are different strategies used to improve mathematical skills. Based on the process model of self-regulated learning, an analysis of the association between motivational aspects in the pre-action phase as well as seven special cognitive learning strategies for mathematics in the action phase was conducted. The variables were compared with student performance. The study drew on data from 548 retrospective interviews of cooperative students, using a cross-sectional research design. Results: The analysis via structural equation modeling shows a direct association between motivational aspects, such as academic self-concept and curiosity, and the seven learning strategies in mathematics. Furthermore, there is a direct effect of academic self-concept on performance. However, the learning strategy of practicing was the only variable with associations to performance. Additionally, the indirect effect of curiosity on performance via practicing is analyzed. Conclusion: It can be seen, that curiosity on its own is not enough to ensure a good level of performance in mathematics. The findings suggest student learning strategies focusing on harnessing their curiosity and on practicing. A high academic self-concept is also relevant to the performance level achieved. Lecturers should create a learning environment to support such student behavior.
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    Grüne Mitte Essen. Räume, Ressourcen, Verflechtungen
    (2023) Weiler, Eva; Gabriel, Leon; Kolocek, Michael; Bennemann, Nils
    Städte sind Knotenpunkte wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und politischen Lebens, und als solche verändern sie sich permanent: Häuser werden gebaut und abgerissen, Bäume werden gepflanzt und wieder gefällt. Menschen kommen hinzu, bleiben oder ziehen weiter, kehren zurück oder kommen zu Besuch. Jede Stadt hat ihre ganz eigenen Voraussetzungen, die mit darüber entscheiden, wie lokale und globale Entwicklungen vor Ort wirksam werden: Die geographische Lage, die vorhandenen Ressourcen, die historisch gewachsenen sozialen und politischen Verhältnisse. Häuser werden in einer bestimmten Lage aus bestimmten Materialien, von bestimmten Menschen und für bestimmte Menschen gebaut. In diesem Büchlein werden die lokalen und globalen Prägungen und Verflechtungen eines ganz konkreten Ortes angeschaut: Die Grüne Mitte Essen. Mit ihrer recht großen Grünfläche, zwei großen Wasserbecken, Wohnungsneubau und einigen Gewerbeflächen wird die Grüne Mitte Essen als „hochwertiges, lebendiges, grünes und urbanes Viertel zum Wohnen, Arbeiten und Erholen“ beworben. Damit gehört sie zur großen Transformation des Ruhrgebiets: Vom ehemaligen Kohle-, Arbeiter- und Industriegebiet soll es sich zum grünen Technologie- und Forschungsstandort wandeln. Die hier vorgelegte Arbeit ist Ergebnis der interdisziplinären Arbeitsgruppe „Glokale Verflechtungen im Ruhrgebiet“ der Global Young Faculty VII, finanziert durch das Mercator Research Center Ruhr 2021–2023.
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    Using light meters to investigate the light-myopia association
    (2023-09-19) Hönekopp, Astrid; Weigelt, Sarah
    With the increasing prevalence of myopia, evaluating its relationship with objective light exposure as a potential adjustable environmental factor in myopia development has been an emerging research field in recent years. From a thorough literature search, we identify ten wearable light meters from human studies on light exposure and myopia and present an overview of their parameters, thereby demonstrating the wide between-device variability and discussing its implications. We further identify 20 publications, including two reanalyses, reporting investigations of light-myopia associations with data from human subjects wearing light meters. We thoroughly review the publications with respect to general characteristics, aspects of data collection, participant population, as well as data analysis and interpretation, and also assess potential patterns regarding the absence or presence of light-myopia associations in their results. In doing so, we highlight areas in which more research is needed as well as several aspects that warrant consideration in the study of light exposure and myopia.
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    Kaffee und Kratzeis Dortmund
    (2023) Eisewicht, Paul; Wolf-Farré, Patrick; Wu, Yi-Jhen; Röhm, Alexander; Carvalho e Silva, Jonas; Parteli, Eric Josef Ribeiro; Herold-Blasius, Raja
    Kioske, Trinkhallen und Buden sind im Ruhrgebiet fester Bestandteil der Lokalkultur und des Landschaftsbildes. Sie verkörpern Bodenständigkeit, nachbarschaftliche Nähe und bedienen alltägliche Bedarfe – nicht nur an Getränken, Zeitschriften und Lebensmitteln, sondern auch an Austausch und Geselligkeit. In dieser Broschüre wird am Beispiel von Dortmund ein Blick auf die Kioske im Ruhrgebiet geworfen, der über nostalgische Verklärungen und reines Ruhrgebietskolorit hinausgeht. Dabei sollen die Herausforderungen und Chancen von Kiosken heute, aber auch die Kioskbetreibenden in den Blick genommen werden. Mehr als lokale Besonderheit werden dabei die glokalen Verflechtungen deutlich: Das Globale zeigt sich an den angebotenen Waren und Dienstleistungen, den gesprochenen Sprachen im Kiosk sowie anhand der Lebensgeschichten, welche die Kioskbetreibenden mitbringen. Hierbei trifft das Globale auf das Lokale in Form von Kiosken als Kleinbetrieben, die stark in die soziale Struktur der Nachbarschaft eingebunden sind. Wer die Kioske genau betrachtet, erfährt viel über die Geschichte und Situation der Stadtviertel, in denen sie sich befinden, aber auch über moderne Migrationsgeschichten und die Wandlungsprozesse, denen moderne Gesellschaften unterliegen. Die hier vorgelegte Arbeit ist Ergebnis der interdisziplinären Arbeitsgruppe „Glokale Verflechtungen im Ruhrgebiet“ der Global Young Faculty VII, finanziert durch das Mercator Research Center Ruhr 2021–2023.
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    Trajectories of subject-interests development and influence factors in higher education
    (2022-01-08) Wild, Steffen
    It is a well-studied phenomenon, that throughout the course of studying at university, the motivation for the study program decreases. Correlation between motivation and learners’ behaviour, for example the learning process, achievement or, in the worst case, dropout exist. So there is a need for understanding the development of motivation in detail, like that of subject-interests, and for identifying influence factors, especially for higher education. This panel study examined the development of 4,345 students in higher education. Growth mixture models for subject-interests identify two classes of trajectories: “descending interest” and “continuously high interest”. In a next step, the analysis shows that gender, university entrance score, academic field and occupational aspiration influence membership of the classes. The results are discussed with respect to their consequences for education programs, but also with respect to possible new research questions.
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    Tiny Houses als Symbole von Selbstverwirklichung und Solidarität auf der Prämisse von Selbstaktivierung
    (2021-11-02) Finzi, Jan; Kuhnt, Janine
    Auf der Grundlage einer Analyse der Selbstpräsentation von Akteuren der Tiny-House-Bewegung, können Tiny Houses einerseits als symbolisierte Selbstverwirklichung eines Milieus, das ressourcenbedingt eine (eigene) Norm des Wohnens konstituiert, verstanden werden und andererseits als Ausdruck von Solidarität mit von Wohnungsnot Betroffenen, die aus der Selbstaktivierung einer engagierten und solidarischen Zivilgesellschaft hervorgeht. Sowohl das ressourcenbedingte Setzen einer Norm des Wohnens auf kleinstem Raum als auch die Solidaritätsleistung engagierter Personen – mit und für von Wohnungsnot Betroffenen – verdeutlichen, dass Engagement zur Linderung von Wohnungsnot (durch Tiny Houses) voraussetzungsvoll und an die Selbstaktivierungskräfte zivilgesellschaftlicher Akteur*innen gebunden ist.