Experimentelle Physik III : [62]


Untersuchungen zur Struktur und Dynamik von Festkörpern mit magnetischer Resonanzspektroskopie, hochauflösender Laserspektroskopie und Neutronenstreuung.

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Ressourcen der Sammlung (Sortiert nach Einreichdatum in Absteigend Ordnung): 1 bis 20 von 62
ErscheinungsdatumTitelBeteiligte Person(en)
2024Mobile-ion and matrix dynamics in dinitrile- and cycloalcohol-based lithium electrolytes studied by solid-state NMR, dielectric spectroscopy and rheologyBöhmer, Roland; Lansab, Sofiane; Schmidt, Claudia
2023-10-11Anion dynamics and motional decoupling in a glycerol–choline chloride deep eutectic solvent studied by one- and two-dimensional 35Cl NMRHinz, Yannik; Beerwerth, Joachim; Böhmer, Roland
2023-09-01Phenol, the simplest aromatic monohydroxy alcohol, displays a faint Debye-like process when mixed with a nonassociating liquidHoffmann, Lars; Beerwerth, Joachim; Moch, Kevin; Böhmer, Roland
2024Kernmagnetische und dielektrische Untersuchungen an wasserstoffbrückengebundenen GlasbildnernBöhmer, Roland; Hoffmann, Lars; Vogel, Michael
2023-11-15Zero-field ODMR and relaxation of Si-vacancy centers in 6H-SiCSingh, Harpreet; Anisimov, Andrey N.; Baranov, Pavel G.; Suter, Dieter
2022-12-13High-field/high-frequency EPR spectroscopy in protein research: principles and examplesMöbius, Klaus; Savitsky, Anton
2023-05-09Single NV centers as sensors for radio-frequency fieldsZhang, Jingfu; Suter, Dieter
2022-06-14Isotope effects on the dynamics of amorphous ices and aqueous phosphoric acid solutionsAhlmann, S.; Hoffmann, L.; Keppler, M.; Münzner, P.; Tonauer, C. M.; Loerting, T.; Gainaru, C.; Böhmer, R.
2023-03-01Small and Very Small Armed Aircraft and Missiles: Trends in Technology and Preventive Arms ControlAltmann, Jürgen; Suter, Dieter
2021-12-10Hydrogen-bonded complexes of neutral nitroxide radicals with 2-propanol studied by multifrequency EPR/ENDORSavitsky, Anton; Nalepa, Anna; Petrenko, Taras; Plat, Martin; Möbius, Klaus; Lubitz, Wolfgang
2021-08-19Dielectric coupler for general purpose Q-band EPR cavitySuter, Dieter; Savitsky, Anton; Judd, Martyna; Jolley, Greg; Cox, Nicholas
2022Mechanische und elektrische Eigenschaften von IonenleiternBöhmer, Roland; Ahlmann, Simon; Westphal, Carsten
2022Zentrallinien-NMR an stark quadrupolar gestörten Kernen in molekularen und ionischen KristallenBöhmer, Roland; Beerwerth, Joachim; Vogel, Michael
2022-02Survey of the Status of Small and Very Small MissilesAltmann, Jürgen; Suter, Dieter
2020-05-28From ultraslow to extremely fast dynamics in sodium nitrateBeerwerth, Joachim; Siegel, R.; Hoffmann, Lars; Plaga, Lucie S.; Storek, Michael; Bojer, B.; Senker, J.; Hiller, Wolf; Böhmer, Roland
2021-03-02Survey of the Status of Small Armed and Unarmed Uninhabited AircraftPilch, Mathias; Altmann, Jürgen; Suter, Dieter
2020-10-30Level anti-crossings of a nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond: decoherence-free subspaces and 3D sensors of microwave magnetic fieldsRao, K Rama Koteswara; Suter, Dieter
2020-06-30Efficient implementation of a quantum algorithm in a single nitrogen vacancy center of diamondZhang, Jingfu; Hegde, Swathi S.; Suter, Dieter
2020-06-30Optical detection of magnetic resonanceSuter, Dieter
2020Application-specific microwave resonator development: addressing the challenges of modern electron paramagnetic resonanceSuter, Dieter; Sidabras, Jason W.; Lubitz, Wolfgang
Ressourcen der Sammlung (Sortiert nach Einreichdatum in Absteigend Ordnung): 1 bis 20 von 62