Institut für Sport und Sportwissenschaft : [36]

Ehemals Institut für Sport und seine Didaktik

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 36
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-03Skaten & Klugschei$en - Wissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf das SkateboardingBüscher, Benjamin; Karpinski, Sebastian; Stemski, Cara Christina; Thorwarth, Anna
2023-04-22Cycling in primary progressive multiple sclerosis (CYPRO): study protocol for a randomized controlled superiority trial evaluating the effects of high-intensity interval training in persons with primary progressive multiple sclerosisKupjetz, Marie; Joisten, Niklas; Rademacher, Annette; Gonzenbach, Roman; Bansi, Jens; Zimmer, Philipp
2023Heterogenität der Effekte von Ausdauertraining zur Steigerung der kardiorespiratorischen Fitness bei Personen mit Multipler SkleroseZimmer, Philipp; Schlagheck, Marit Lea; Heesen, Christoph
2023-12-05Electromyography of scapular stabilizers in people without scapular dyskinesis during push-upsArghadeh, Ramin; Alizadeh, Mohammad Hossein; Minoonejad, Hooman; Sheikhhoseini, Rahman; Asgari, Mojtaba; Jaitner, Thomas
2022-10-07Positive influence of neuromuscular training on knee injury risk factors during cutting and landing tasks in elite youth female handball playersSchmidt, Marcus; Nolte, Kevin; Terschluse, Benedikt; Willwacher, Steffen; Jaitner, Thomas
2023Verletzungsprävention im NachwuchsleistungsfußballJaitner, Thomas; Kolodziej, Mathias; Groll, Andreas
2022-04-01Schwimmen lernen von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit MigrationshintergrundWolter, Veronique; Sendt, Anna; Jaitner, Thomas
2023-04-20Acute effects of the FIFA11+ and Football+ warm-ups on motor performance. A crossover randomized controlled trialAsgari, Mojtaba; Schmidt, Marcus; Terschluse, Benedikt; Sueck, Maximilian; Jaitner, Thomas
2022-10-20Effects of the FIFA 11+ and a modified warm-up programme on injury prevention and performance improvement among youth male football playersAsgari, Mojtaba; Alizadeh, Mohammad Hossein; Shahrbanian, Shahnaz; Nolte, Kevin; Jaitner, Thomas
2022Biografien geflüchteter Leistungsfußballer: Eine sozialwissenschaftliche AnalyseMichelini, Enrico; Bruland, Jennifer; Janning, Oliver
2022-01-27Fitness, physical activity, and exercise in multiple sclerosisWalzik, David; Zimmer, Philipp; Joisten, Niklas; Proschinger, Sebastian; Kuhwand, Puya; Rademacher, Annette; Warnke, Clemens
2021-10-13Physical activities for older adults: are local co-operations of sports clubs and care partners an option to increase access?Wolter, Veronique; Dohle, Miriam; Sobo, Lisa
2021-12-03Exercise reduces systemic immune inflammation index (SII) in childhood cancer patientsWinker, Matteo; Stössel, Sandra; Neu, Marie Astrid; Lehmann, Nadine; El Malki, Khalifa; Paret, Claudia; Joisten, Niklas; Bloch, Wilhelm; Zimmer, Philipp; Faber, Jörg
2021-03-31Transferring clinically established immune inflammation markers into exercise physiologyWalzik, David; Joisten, Niklas; Zacher, Jonas; Zimmer, Philipp
2021-07-10Sleep problems and their interaction with physical activity and fatigue in hematological cancer patients during onset of high dose chemotherapyCastelli, Lucia; Elter, Thomas; Wolf, Florian; Watsonlter, Matthew; Schenk, Alexander; Steindorf, Karen; Bloch, Wilhelm; Hallek, Michael; Joisten, Niklas; Zimmer, Philipp
2021-11-22Evaluation of the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) in identifying active females who are prone to injuryAsgari, Mojtaba; Alizadeh, Shahab; Sendt, Anna; Jaitner, Thomas
2021-12-11The ANHEQ evaluation criteria: introducing reliable rating scales for assessing Nordic Hamstring Exercise qualityAlt, Tobias; Schmidt, Marcus
2021Zum differentiellen Einfluss von hoch-intensivem Intervall- und moderat kontinuierlichem Ausdauertraining auf die kognitive Leistungsfähigkeit bei Personen mit Multiple SkleroseZimmer, Philipp; Rademacher, Annette; Bloch, Wilhelm
2020-10-31Comment on: “Effects of exercise training interventions on executive function in older adults: a systematic review and meta‑analysis”Zimmer, Philipp; Javelle, Florian; Lampit, Amit
2020-03-27Cellular immune response to acute exerciseSchlagheck, Marit Lea; Walzik, David; Joisten, Niklas; Koliamitra, Christina; Hardt, Luca; Metcalfe, Alan J.; Wahl, Patrick; Bloch, Wilhelm; Schenk, Alexander; Zimmer, Philipp
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 36